
Scientists Discovered The Mysterious Reason Why These Ancient Civilizations SUDDENLY Vanished

Scientists Discovered The Mysterious Reason Why These Ancient Civilizations SUDDENLY Vanished
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Scientists have made a surprising discovery about the mysterious disappearance of the Indus Valley civilization and the sudden disappearance of the underwater city of Dwarka. Watch this video to uncover the secret that has left experts baffled and even scared. Featuring insights from renowned researcher, Graham Hancock.

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  1. One can only laugh at how quackologists and lemming narrators desperately seek to change the dating system to eliminate the crucifixion of Christ as the anchor point of the calendar. There is a reason why BC (before Christ) and AD have been the anchor point of the calendar for thousands of years. It only calls that reason to mind when we hear a quackologist refer to BC as BCE (Before Common Era) and AD as CE. All their half-baked scheme does is serve to focus even greater attention upon Christ and expose their nefarious agenda.

  2. Well, I cant see any pics or shots in this video that would show 'advanced technology' – all we see are usual artifacts – like we can see among Roman remains and so on. The narrator tries to use some rhetorical tricks, keep repeating how well designed streets, water system etc they made – but then, they are normal things, nothing that would be impossible to make with lower level tools. Look at the vases – most of them are uneven, not precisely made findings. Boring pots.
    Why is not any arceologist's research included in the video, only Graham speaks??

  3. I don't believe that we were the first humans to inhabit this planet. There is a lot of new evidence surfacing that gives the impression that there was another civilization here before us and it appears that it may have been more advanced than we are. We do know that some Cosmic event did happen and devastate this planet roughly 12,000 years ago so these things could fall in place. What would happen if there could be absolutely indisputable proof that you could touch and see that validated everything here. It would be interesting to watch the doubters minds explode, no this can't be true

  4. Noah's Flood cleansed the earth – next time is with fire.!
    2 Peter 3:10

    “But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.”

  5. I being an Indian believe that my country India was much more than what the bogus historians from England and Europe had told you people about. Our history is much more older than Egyptians, Greeks or Romans and what this Rome (church) controlled scientists, historians and archeologists have been telling the world. If Indian books and history is studied properly, we'll find that India was a country where many inventions and medical marvels was commonly applied / used in daily life, much before as what is told by most historical books written by the European and British. Its time that people recognize what India's contribution to the world has been……..

  6. This is from a really old documentary isn't it? At least 15 years old. The pyramids are still depicted as being tombs for the Pharaos, despite not a single mummy or tomb having been found in one to date.

  7. Why do you keep using the same underwater film footage for all the cities that were supposed to be underwater? If you have actual film and photographs then please use that. Please use the actual information that is kown about these cities and civilizations. Some of the commentary is not accurate. I stopped watching half way through.

  8. I wish the TITLES of these stories would not use words like: MYSTERIOUS, SECRET, BAFFLING, ETC. since they are just LYING HOOKS to get us to watch their outdated stupid ideas about history.

  9. What are the pyramids texts? I usually hear that there was no information on them and nothing on the walls inside of them, nothing indicating yhat it, they, are tombs. Lol.. * mean, how, did the rest of the Pharos get to the afterlife ? Lol … They're not tombs, no fkng way.

  10. Is there any city that wasn't well planned? lol….. Every time I watch kne if these things they always say that the city was well planned. Ive never ever heard them say one wasn't! Never!!

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