
Scientists Discovered How Neanderthals Conquered the Ice Age

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In this video, we’re going to take a look at how early Neanderthals conquered the ice age. We’ll explore their adaptations and how they were able to navigate in an environment that was so hostile.
Neanderthals are a fascinating group of humans, and this video will give you a deep insight into their history and how they managed to conquer the ice age. We’ll see how their intelligent and adaptive behaviour helped them succeed in an environment that was so difficult to survive in.

Over 300,000 years ago, mysterious early Neanderthals, sporting bearskin clothing and the latest high-tech weaponry, conquered northern Europe in style. Indeed, the use of bearskin was likely the key adaptation of early humans to the climate in the north. It was an ancient blitzkrieg, and these early humans left their mark on the archaeological record.

Neanderthals were a human species that lived across Eurasia starting over 400,000 years ago — long before us — until they went extinct around 40,000 years ago. But their legacy lives on; Neanderthal genes can be found in every modern human population due to interbreeding.


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