
Scientists Discovered An Ancient Cave Revealing A Lost Civilization That No Records Of Exist

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  1. Who ever they are this is from a time in the past that someone or something thing was an advanced civilisation maybe not human the past has been covered up it is clear to see mainstream archaeology is corrupt and can’t be trusted so this is for YOU to find the facts.✊🏻✊🏻✊🏻

  2. It was us.
    While almost all of ancient man were primitive hunter gatherers, we were building great cities out of stone and we enslaved our less developed kin to make it happen. These days, we still live among you and we create things like experimental relativistic drive vehicles that you call "UFOs" and laugh when you talk about aliens.

  3. Yeah, we came out of the caves! But before that we were a super-civilization and we destroyed ourselves …maybe it was a nuclear winter or any combination of other things but during the last ice age humanity or what little was left of it literally went underground. You know how it is that the higher the technology and the more advanced the science, the cheaper and flimsier the materials of which they're made? I seriously doubt any of our gadgets today would endure even a couple hundred years being left out out in the elements. But even our cities would all be completely reclaimed by nature in a matter of just a few centuries without upkeep! None of that stuff was ever built to last. The ruins we are finding however, were built to last. But the tools and machinery used to build them could not endure the passing ages. Even if they had gathered them all up and carefully stored them in vault somewhere they would still return to dust and rust before we ever found them. And this has happened many, many times throughout the ages. Civilizations rise and fall over and over and every time they rise it is as if it's for the fist time …and they are really only ever playing catch up just trying to get back to where they were before the last fall. Now, just as it is today, all our technology is protected by NDA's and if something were to suddenly happen to all the people entrusted with that knowledge and if for some reason they were no longer with us we'd be hard-pressed just to figure out how to rebuild them let alone be able to actually do it in the case that something truly catstrophfic happens to our infrastructure. But also, in the case of a nuclear winter none of our electronics would even work anymore …even if you built them fresh and new in a shielded vault. They would never work again until the Nuclear winter is over. Why then, those people would be like primatives to the cave men!

  4. Of course there where pre flood and pre extinction events and even older pre other cataclysmic events even civilizations, but that would ruin the taught archeological narratives I guess. Sad but true if the earth is over 4 billions years old how can we delude ourselves into thinking we are the first intelligent occupants, just a thought good people.

  5. Let me make this statement perfectly clear, get off that train we have riding. These so called experts are full of chit and have been lying to us all for ever. These caves and many other around the world have been built and used by past civilizations that created technology that ran amok. Picture the recent Hollywood movies that have technology that went beyond intended use and started taking over the planet and attempted to destroy the human race. It really happened… we see the pyramids and they are all around the globe and was used to power the world. You can find in several places around the world and on coins with a picture of a pyramid and a x across the pyramid. That’s a warning to all that was the only way to defeat the technology that went amuck, as they needed the power to run that technology. There is a pyramid in the Antarctic that is still in use. This has been proven but is being held from us all. They are a brake-away civilization that has been down there since this disastrous event that tried to destroy humanity. Lesion to be learned here is technology is good but limited.

  6. Back in ancient China a general in charge of cutting a channel through a Mountain in way to short of time figured out if he built huge fires on the rock and then dumped massive amounts of cold water on it the rock would shatter that is a possibility here if you did that just finishing the walls would be needed after the rock was carried out

  7. We are living on a Catastrophe Planet that occasionally gets struck
    by asteroids/comets. Last ones 11,000 years ago that struck the N.
    American 2 mile thick ice sheet. Another 5,000 years ago off Madagascar.
    These have been Civilization Killers probably dating back 100,000's of years.

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