
Scientists Discovered 12,000-Year-Old Body Of The Annunaki King

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  1. Your bit about Himmler is total bulls…. According to your story and dates therein Himmler was only 16 years old when he supposedly acquired all the things you mentioned. This is just another nonsense story. You could easily have verified this had you taken the time to do so. So….. this calls the truth of all your videos into question. Time to unsubscribe.

  2. how much you being paid to lie he wasn't found there he is still alive and his name is gillgermash probe spelt wrong and he is awake now and in charge trust me before the years out the whole world will know wake up people do ur homework follow the white rabbit

  3. Hello O.E., depending upon the politics where any discovery is made, the truth or fakes will be put forth. Discernment is paramount, caution should be always put forward. Society's agendas aren't always the best but for the ruling elite, just say'n!!! Politics isn't anything but a liars game and doesn't benefit anyone who doesn't play… Therein's the problem with the internet, there's no truth agency governing what's shown, which can lead the naive and gullible astray. Those usually follow trends and social dissadents because they don't do any research and justify such research… Be safe and take care, "God Bless", sincerely, Randy. 😇🙏👊
    P.S.: Concerning the sphere, the original report describes it as being smaller than a basketball as I remember it, but I could be wrong plus which since it was taken by the authorities it hasn't been seen since… L8TR!!!

  4. The Annunaki mummy is the body of Gilgamesh. There is a few documents about him as well as information still coming out now through the archaeologists involved. This might help to be able to find out more information on the giant.

  5. 7:35 You haven't heard the archaeological confirmation that the first European civilization was on the territory of Serbia, and not some Ukraine, look for Lepenski Vir, Vinča, Starčevo,….. it's a shame that you don't know the basics, but that's general for all channels with over 1 million followers, it seems the BBC is writing the script for all of you

  6. i have a bad feeling that people probably have found stasis pods thinking they are sarcophagus and opening them wrong and killing the occupant and just thinking its magic how they are preserved and still warm like they just died and then inventing mumification…

  7. When these Anunnaki "Giant" Kings first came out on YouTube several years ago, I thought this one looked pretty fake, like someone created it for an exhibit. Then another was shown, and he looked very real, and he was very handsome. There was a note in the Description Section below the video, about these sleeping entities, saying many elites already knew about these beings, and it's said Abe Lincoln wrote his name on the wall in the entrance to the cave they were found. One of the beings' cryopod had malfunctioned at some point in the past, and that one had perished. They didn't show that one, but the other two were still alive and sleeping in their pods, waiting for the designated time they'll wake up. lol Wouldn't that be a trip it these stories were true? lol I love it!

  8. I bet the Tripillia Culture destroyed their cities for religious or cultural purposes. They likely related it to previous world destructions that occurred before as a memberance of the cultures that were lost during the last cyclical events in earths history (i.e. the floods and great cataclysms).

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