
Scientists Confirm: “Alien” Bodies Found In Mexico Are Real, Their DNA Is Not Terrestrial

Let’s address some of the popular myths and fallacies that are being repeated about these alleged alien bodies:

1) “They look too much like the pop culture image of what ? look like, there’s no way they could be real.”

That’s not how the scientific method works. It doesn’t matter at all what pop culture thinks aliens do or do not look like. All that matters is: the evidence.

Using all techniques available to medical science these bodies have been determined to be 100% real. Their DNA matches no known terrestrial life form. Period.

If popular conceptions of what aliens look like are similar to these bodies, maybe it’s because: popular conceptions of what aliens look like are based on reality. ? Maybe it’s time to stop arrogantly snickering at the numerous high-ranking military intelligence officers from Roswell Air Force base who have blatantly told us this is what they look like. Maybe it’s time to stop arrogantly mocking alleged alien abductees, especially the many alleged abductees who have significant physical evidence, and sometimes even radar evidence to support their claims.

2) “They look too much like humans. Humans are sooooooo special. There’s no way aliens could look anything like us”.

Not only is there no reason to believe that humans are special or unique, we know for a fact that the ? is not special or unique. There are 8.8 billion Earth-like planets in the Milky Way. Many of them probably have something like photosynthesis and ?. Any life form that evolves in large plants/? is going to find it useful to have hands and fingers. Those primate-like animals might be the first to develop tools, ?, civilization and eventually space travel ?. The Earth is “only” 4.6 billion years old. The Universe is 13+ billion years old. It is astronomically unlikely that we are the first advanced civilization in the Universe.

3) “The journalist who presented these bodies to the world has been behind false claims in the past”.

Who cares. Someone can be wrong about something 10 years ago and right today. He’s irrelevant. All that matters is the evidence. Period.

#alien #aliens #ufo


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