
Scientists Can’t Explain This Ancient Technology From Thousands Of Years Ago

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  1. My beloved Yahweh deity say ha-ha tee-hee giggle roar of laughter adventure romp practical joke lark HE make it recently so silly you are being fooled by HIS sham deception mislead trick put on the wrong track flight of fancy by new technology apply on ancient material.

  2. The western religious cults don't want the truth out about ancient civilizations!! Their influence and knowledge is the only way!! All western religious cults teach hatred and discrimination against people who have different beliefs!! Look at the wars of the history of Europe!!

  3. There not dumb back then haha we think they were just old slow time period but there not.. I forgot which ruler or King had a room specifically for dinners and to impress visitors but it was a massive fancy room that would spin and it was rock and granite.. it turns out they dug down and had water flowing under them so they set of pulley for water to hit it and spin the disk that the whole room was built on hahaha so flowing water would spin a whole massive room and it has gears because it wouldn't spin really fast

  4. All "Megaliths" are before any recorded history. The migrants who found them, claim it was their "Ancestors" who built them. That is a universal lie. Having no knowledge passed down, is the proof. The pyramid copies have no interior chambers. Because rulers didn't know what the great pyramid had inside. It's not rocket science.

  5. Mainstream Egyptoligist… well, let's just say that no matter how much evidence they are shown that disproves their theories on history, they REFUSE to accept it. They would rather just ignore some of the hard evidence coming out that contradicts their theories. There IS evidence that the ancient Egyptians DID at least have some knowledge of electricity with the discovery of the Bagdad battery.

  6. Hi Katrina, Could you please reduce sensationalizing the titles?
    Your videos are usually very good & interesting. I understand there's competition for clicks, but youtube is filling up with BS, misinformation & disinformation.
    I have been reporting & blocking All of the ones who are not truthful or are deceiving viewers with the thumbnail pics & titles.
    I don't want to block yours – I just want honesty & integrity to come back into society. Thanks – Anthony.

  7. Omg, the astronaut is totally new! the artists did it fairly recently in the last few years to replace a broken part of the carving on the chapel! I don't know how y'all didn't catch that one??? It worries me a little bit that you didn't mention that??

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