
Scientific Discovery: Shocking New UAP Footage Off New York

A ten-month scientific UAP study changed everything, with never-before-seen shocking UAP / UFO footage of the vehicles operating off the Long Island, New York coast, including incredible footage of a tic-tac UFO flying past an airliner. In this Good Trouble Show podcast, we interview Gerry Tedesco, John Tedesco, and Donna Lee Nardo, who will present new UFO / UAP footage from their experience with over 50 UAP / UFO encounters.

With the recent book release by Lue Elizondo, Imminent, and his appearance on News Nation with Ross Coulthart and on Joe Rogan, UAPs / UFOs are back in the news; whistleblower revelations by former Pentagon employee David Grusch, Navy pilots David Fravor and Ryan Graves, along with new Congressional legislation on UFOs, The UAP Disclosure Act of 2024, authored by Senator Mike Rounds, and Senator Chuck Schumer. It’s time for the disclosure discussion.

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00:00:00 – Introduction and Welcome
00:05:00 – National Media Attention and UAP Disclosure
00:10:00 – Lou Alexander’s Book and UAP Disclosure Act 2024
00:15:00 – Introduction to Guests and UFO Research
00:20:00 – UAP Disclosure Act and Senate Recess
00:25:00 – Discussion on UAP Research Techniques
00:30:00 – Advanced Radar and Thermal Detection Methods
00:35:00 – Identifying UFOs Using Acoustic and Thermal Methods
00:40:00 – Scientific Rigor in UAP Research
00:45:00 – UAP Transparency and Public Action
00:50:00 – Public Involvement in UAP Legislation
00:55:00 – Senate Recess and Upcoming UAP Vote
01:00:00 – Research Techniques for UFO Detection
01:05:00 – Detecting UFOs Using X-band and Y-scan Radars
01:10:00 – Thermal Signatures and Radar Detection
01:15:00 – Applying Scientific Rigor to UAP Research
01:20:00 – Public Involvement in UAP Disclosure
01:30:00 – Senate and UAP Disclosure Act 2024
01:45:00 – Advanced Techniques in UFO Studies
02:00:00 – Closing Remarks and Call to Action

Native Long Islander Gerald T. Tedesco is an electrical engineer who currently toils for a local aerospace firm after decades of helping U.S. defense corporations with his security clearance. Like his twin brother John, Gerald’s passion for science, UAPs / UFOs, and the paranormal took root at a young age. He received a Baccalaureate of Science in Public Health and a Professional Certificate in Behavior Profiling and Investigative Analysis. He and his brother John designed a patented scientific instrument called a Modular Multi-Wavelength Light Source Engine. When not busy completing work and
personal projects, Gerald is found happily spending quality time with his spouse, Sharon, and their daughter, Tiana.

Native Long Islander John J. Tedesco is an electrical engineer and engineering educator/consultant who recently retired from a lengthy, rewarding career at Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL Solutions). Like his twin brother Gerald, John’s passion for science, UAPs / UFOs, and the paranormal took root at a young age. He received a Baccalaureate of Science in Electrical and Electronics Engineering and a Master of Education in Career and Technical Education. Along with his brother Gerald, he designed a patented scientific instrument called a
Modular Multi-Wavelength Light Source Engine. John enjoys entertaining and enlightening his friends, family, and neighbors in his spare time.

A Native Long Islander and New Yorker, Donna Lee Nardo is a journalist, investigator, researcher, and strategic communications pro with a keen interest in science, technology, UAPs / UFOs, and the paranormal. She holds a Baccalaureate of Arts with twin Communications and Political Science majors. Donna’s career experience reflects the richness of multiple disciplines, including Private Investigation, Publishing, Corporate Communications, Public Affairs, Technology, Finance, Government, Professional Services, and PR. Her lifelong pursuit of questioning and chasing after nature’s many
mysteries remains insatiable. Donna schedules downtime to cuddle with her pets, write short stories, and create digital art.

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  1. Not convinced at all by those videos. Their explanations and analysis of most did not confirm any of what they saw to be something unknown. Most look pretty explainable. Sorry, not trying to be a debie downer, but it's the truth. Still love your show brotha!

  2. If the shot was stabilized on a tripod, you could zoom in and analyze the photo. The shaking makes that impossible. These people have invested all of that money in technology to get the hi res shots of UAP, but they can’t hold the camera still? I’m calling these people out as hucksters.

  3. And of course they can’t hold the camera still. Excuses about the tripod. Anyone could do a better job holding a camera still. Are they chopping the video on purpose? Drones flying in formation would be easy to detect- if you were filming on a tripod.

  4. After spending over a year of filming UAP at close range, why don’t they get an FPV drone and operator and fly a drone out to the objects. They could intercept them in less than a minute if they are truly only 400 yards out. They could fly a drone with camera straight out to these objects in less than a minute and video the whole thing.

  5. The lights look like drones. If you put an infrared light on a drone and stripped off all visible light sources, it would be invisible to the naked eye at night, but it would show up on an infrared camera. The fact that there is no video or data that documents the objects shooting up in the sky, or down into the water tells me something fishy could be going on. Their radar would document the objects track when they flew away, but nobody ever asks that question.

  6. Simply spectacular! KUDOS to these fine folks for their excellent work. Having had a career in test and measurement / electronics, I can tell these guys are experts and the real deal. Regarding getting help to continue this important work… Why not also petition New York State as well? They could help by cutting grants through a state university or perhaps offer some direct support through a Department. "Watercraft", "Wildlife", "Parks" could all be argued as having this fall tangentially in their purview. Maybe contact the Governor's office, even. Ask for professional or experienced help writing grant proposals, it usually helps a lot. GREAT JOB!! And another great video from Matt :)

  7. Matt, I am brazilian, born in Pará State and I was a teenager when the Colares UFO case happened. I reccomend to you and your listeners, like myself, that would like to find out more about this case to watch 3 videos in English available on the YouTube Channel named Red Panda Koala about the Colares incident. Keep doing the good work you do!

  8. @1:39:52 this kind of garbage does more harm than good! This is very clearly an ir reflection from the hand rail directly in front of the camera. Why would you entertain this nonsense that makes the whole community and disclosure effort look ridiculous. You have a responsibility to shut this type of reporting down.

  9. Wow-wie! I'm not even a tech geek and that RV looks like an absolute honey wagon dreamboat to me 😆! THIS is the kind of capable and methodical civil boots on the ground needed to approach the crazy amount of data out there and make something coherent out of it in a scientifically rigorous and shareable manner. Bravo!

  10. Thank you SO MUCH for 1) the clear and succinct summation of this legislative issue and 2) clear-cut information about the simple methods we as constituents and citizens can use to make our voices heard AND to register our gratitude toward those who ARE working so hard to move things forward.

  11. There is alot of speculation that these things are warping space time i wonder how that would affect the lidar. I figue it would blue shift the beam which might throw of the measurements.

    I guess nerfing the size of a black hole while increasing its ability warp space time would be a semi solid approach

    Emission of Laser Pulses: A LiDAR device emits laser pulses (typically in the near-infrared range). These pulses travel outward from the sensor, covering the environment.Reflection of Pulses: When the laser pulses hit objects in their path (such as buildings, trees, or the ground), they reflect back toward the sensor.Time-of-Flight Measurement: LiDAR sensors measure the time it takes for the pulse to return. Since the speed of light is constant, the distance to the object is calculated based on the time delay between emission and reception of the pulse.Formula:
    Distance = frac{(Speed of Light) times (Time Delay)}{2} ]

    The warping of light around a black hole is described by **gravitational lensing**, which is a prediction of Einstein's **General Theory of Relativity**. The specific equation that governs this phenomenon is derived from the **Schwarzschild metric**, a solution to Einstein’s field equations for a non-rotating, spherically symmetric black hole. The angle by which light is bent when passing near a massive object (such as a black hole) can be approximated using the following equation:

    ### Gravitational Lensing Deflection Angle Equation:
    alpha = frac{4GM}{c^2 r}

    – ( alpha ) = deflection angle (in radians)
    – ( G ) = gravitational constant ((6.67430 times 10^{-11} , text{m}^3 , text{kg}^{-1} , text{s}^{-2}))
    – ( M ) = mass of the black hole
    – ( c ) = speed of light in a vacuum ((3.0 times 10^8 , text{m/s}))
    – ( r ) = closest approach distance of the light to the black hole (also known as the impact parameter)

    ### Key Insights:
    *Gravitational lensing* occurs because the immense gravitational field of a black hole warps the spacetime around it, curving the path of light.
    – The more massive the black hole, the greater the angle ( alpha ), meaning the more light is bent.
    – If the light passes very close to the *event horizon* (the Schwarzschild radius, ( r_s = frac{2GM}{c^2} )), the deflection can become very large, and under extreme conditions, light can even orbit the black hole.

    This equation applies to weak gravitational fields or small deflections (e.g., when light is far from the event horizon). For strong deflections near the black hole, a more complex, fully relativistic treatment of the Schwarzschild geometry is necessary.

  12. They get all this equipment, but fail to procure a single tripod for their camera? “We couldn’t get the object in focus” – Gee, I wonder why? 😂

    The level of competency is called into question.

  13. So wish i was in the US so i could do this i would be writing and calling to the senators everyday they would get sick of me!! So ive shared this to my FB page and begged my 5000 odd friends to do it instead lol i think most are in the US i will also share it to all my UFO groups too

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