
Robots Will Help Stock Wal-Mart’s Shelves In 2018

By the end of January Wal-Mart will have shelf scanning robots in more than 50 U.S. stores (2:54). WCCO 4 Mid-Morning – Oct. 27, 2017


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  1. Besides the lady looking gorgeous hey news journalist just a little wake up call so you are not in the 1990s and are not brain dead automatic fish feeders has existed for years look it up on google and heck you can buy them pretty affordable its not like its gonna cost an arm or a leg to get one. Just put the food in fish feeder and replace it every x amount of times tadah.

  2. I won’t be shopping at Walmart anymore, target an amazon only, this is bs, doesn’t Walmart make enough money, take more jobs away. I spend a lot of money there, not anymore!!

  3. One of the justifications for mass third world immigration has always been that it was simply good for business, part of Capitalism and therefore as American as apple pie.
    But what really happens is that wages get lowered across the board as native workers are displaced by non-natives who are willing to work for much less.
    This is justified by economists and free-market advocates with the whole “the rising tide lifts all boats in the harbor” argument.

    But this is simply not true.

    Worse, the entire non-White world simply looks at us as if we’ve gone insane. Why else would we barter and fritter our country away to foreigners? America has started to resemble a trading outpost, not a country.

    It was NEVER about lower wages or social justice. These were just used as a smokescreen for the true plan: White Genocide.

  4. Shelves are all in order with labels lined up with products. That almost never happens. Many times they send out modulates that won't even fit on the shelves and count of facings is changed.

  5. dumb bitch y would u want robots taking over jobs. The unemployment rate is high enough. plus people continue to lose interaction with other people and are becoming more cold and heartless to others.

  6. Yeah screw that guy that said nothing in an apartment was worth stealing. Does he not know home ownership is at an all time low in this country? Shows how out of touch he is with the hardworking American putting down two or three jobs to make a life maybe in an apartment somewhere.

  7. Misleading Title! The robot does not stock the shelves. The robot assess, and humans stock. It is costing Wal-Mart approximately $1.2m a year per store in out of stock losses made by human error. Also there is no such full-time or part-time position that this robot will be replacing. The night time crew checks the shelves for product replenishment, stocks the shelves, manicure the products on the shelves and break down boxes.

  8. So let's see. Coming soon.. You'll NEVER HAVE TO LEAVE HOME.. Why you ask? Because
    (1) You'll be working from Home.
    (2) The Money you're paid from working at home will be put into your Pay-Pay Account. Or "Bank Account".
    (3) You'll be able to pay your Rent or Mortgage through Direct Withdrawal from your Account.
    (4) You'll be able to watch Programs from ALL OVER THE WORLD Thanks to your Desk Top, Lap Top or Cellphone.
    (5) You'll be able to Order Groceries By Virtually Shopping Online and having Drones or Remote control Cars Bring your food.
    (6) You'll be able to watch ALL THE LATEST MOVIES ONLINE AT HOME.
    (7) You'll be able to watch ALL THE TEAMS IN SPORTS AND ALL THE GAMES FROM HOME.
    (8) You'll be able to Buy Beer, Wine and Other Alcohol and have it delivered to your Home.
    (9) You'll be able to order Sex with Who ever you prefer From Home. OR? A Robot..
    (10) You'll be able to Send and Receive Mail From Home…
    (11) You'll be able to Borrow Money/Get Loans from Home..
    (12) You'll be able to get Medical Checkups from Home.
    (13) You'll be able to order Already Cooked Meals from Home..
    AND? This is just the Beginning… Because ALMOST ALL that I've already listed? We're Already able to do, Or about to Implement within the Next Decade.. So, either all this technology will cause us To Live Longer and Healthier Lives? Or Die Early from Inactivity and Underexposure to the outside would, and other Human Beings.. Only Time Will Tell…

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