
ReSisters Ep 96 Convo with Prof Lidia Morawska

Shortly after she acknowledged how our outfits coordinate and after we showed the Aranet we are all fortunate to possess, Dr. Lidia Morawska and ReSisters got down to business!

In this amazing conversation, learn what Dr. Morawska’s path has been to becoming one of the world’s foremost aerosol physicists, hear about her role with the WHO, feel validation when she confirms that expecting #CleanAir is a #HumanRight, and hear her suggestions on how we can help make sure girls and women pursue their passion in STEAM.

Prof Morawska continues to be a needed voice in the fight for #CleanAir #PandemicMitigation #ScienceLiteracy #CriticalThinking #SafeSchools.

“Dr. Morawska’s work focuses on fundamental and applied research in the interdisciplinary field of air quality and its impact on human health, with a specific focus on atmospheric fine, ultrafine and nanoparticles. She is credited with more than 950 academic publications, including scientific articles, book chapters, and conference papers.”


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