
Red Planet’s Mysterious Findings! | Nasa’s Unexplained Files |

In August 2012, NASA’s Curiosity rover made shocking new findings on the red planet. Expected to find the usual oxidised iron …


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  1. L.Ron Hubbard wasn't a genius. He was an occultist and Satanist like his good friend Alcester Crowley and Jack Parsons. He was a pedophile and brought about "Babylon working". God's wrath is upon this earth because of it. Aliens are demons. That's who he communicated with.

  2. What about oil extraction???? And volcanic eruptions. Since you are talking about water.
    I think even the anunaks didn't thaught about this, cause they were the one extracting large volumes of gold out of the planet and transporting it away.
    A very great global event is in the make, revelation in the Bible is talking about it. Earth is very sensitive for the slightest changes.

  3. oh my god i think i just got it , i herd this prediction "Two steel birds will fall from the sky on the Metropolis / The sky will burn at forty-five degrees latitude / Fire approaches the great new city / Immediately a huge, scattered flame leaps up / Within months, rivers will flow with blood / The undead will roam the earth for little time." hmmm did thay say the rotation of earth is getting messed up…

  4. 300 Million Years ago ??????????? Prove it.. What instrument do you have that could honestly PROVE Mars is over 300 Million years old?????? Read your Bible. In the very first chapter of the Book of Genesis God Spoke the Earth and Universe into existence. Two individuals have actually taken the time to do the Genealogy from Adam to the present day and they both come up with just a little less than 6900 years. These people know you can’t argue with them so they push their ridiculous nonsense on us. Well – I believe God not some Atheistic Science Teacher…

  5. The entire planet of Mars is a crime scene . When humans finally discover that the missing children and people are being abducted by Reptilians and decide to fight back Earth will end up looking just like Mars and Venus. Earth will be destroyed by nuclear weapons just like Mars and Venus .

  6. Hey, we should send robotically inflated – climate controlled AIR BUBBLES to Mars with pre planted and hydroponically irrigated seeds of “oxygen producing” plants to research if the process could create the beginnings of an sustainable living environment for future human implants.
    Is this something that has been proposed already?

  7. As for evidence of a Martian civilization, our scientists would declare any evidence found on Mars as natural formations or faked. Our scientists reject and ignore any and all evidence of previous civilization(s) or giants on our planet.

  8. Just maybe all the oil and all the minerals we have taken and are taking out of the Earth will balance the Earth. So, maybe we should do more drilling for oil. That just might reverse the guilt these scientists have blamed mankind for. They shouldn't throw stones at a glass house.

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