
Rant Review | Hunting Adeline is Edgy, Try Hard, Nonsense

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  1. you ever think about how people like h.d. carlton live among us, thinking their little thoughts, planning sequels to their horrific books where the mc gets S*X TR*FFICKED FOR SOME GODFORSAKEN REASON while they're like… in line behind you at the grocery store buying microwave mac and cheese. i don't like that.

  2. the only time i ever lost count of blood vials being taken was the time i got it drawn for blood marrow donation and i lost count because 1. i have anemia so i passed out due to them taking like 10+ vials (i know they took At Least 10) and 2. because i have badly rolling veins they had to take a couple extra vials. so i kinda lost count at the extra vials since i was on the verge of passing out and they had taken like almost a pint of blood from me.

  3. Amazing how this series can have like
    actual realistic examples of the effects of trauma and coping
    while also understanding literally nothing about it, and treating it in the most offensive way possible

    anyway, free palestine 🍉

  4. i feel like it could've been interesting if she also got Stockholm syndrome from her other abductor, cus like if she fell in love with her first SAer it is possible for it to happen again. i also think it would've made more sense overall then the actual plot idk

  5. So my boyfriend was so excited when you uploaded this video and told me about it, he fell asleep watching it so I asked if he had finished it, to that he told me thrillingly that he had, and mentioned “she went on a colour rant”
    At this point we are sitting in the McDonald’s carpark at 4am. (Currently still there lol)
    Well, the moment he said that I had to find what he was talking about, so I came here and watched the exact thing he was talking about.
    Holy hell.
    I’ve not laughed like that in a while.
    You’re awesome.

    Subscribed. 😂

  6. I never trusted viral stories of books in tiktok… I smelled something fishy with hunting Adeline, and I thanked you and “lil bit mads” to not buying these traumatizing “love story” because I would be fuming… yes the books covers are pretty but I never would be rereading these books. Thanks to tiktok now I don’t know which books in the dark romance genre are actually great stories and then… there’s hunting adeline. Like the hell? Ppl telling me “if you don’t like the cat and mouse duet, then you don’t like dark romance”. Since when HD represents the Dark Romance genre???

  7. Another thing that is normally smth i would overlook but I'm not bc I'm feeling petty, is that her description of the seattle area is sooooooooooooooo off, heavy rain is a rarity, it's more like a constant mist except for summer, basements are kinda not really a thing, in order for addie to see the stars, and that her house has to be a minimum 3 hours away from the city, into the cascade mountains, due to how large the seattle metropolitan area spreads, also, even though seattle is on the water, it's called the Sound, not the Bay

  8. These books have been awful 😂 I judge anyone who genuinely likes them, I’m not even sorry. It saves me time too; if someone recs these, I stop watching or keep scrolling.

  9. I see your talented young writer examples, and raise you one SE Hinton, author of The Outsiders. ….She wrote that when she was 16. SIXTEEN. Yeah. This book, I swear….

  10. Ohhhh this book is actually batshit. Literally acknowledges that the love interest assaulted her… “anyway so she and her rapist fucked again he’s so hot and loving omggg he cares so much he’s so different from those other rapists uwuuu” losing my mindddd can we not handle trauma and abuse like this 🙏🏼😭

  11. The moment you said turturkeykey i took the way out and went on to rewatching babish's turturkeykey recepie video. Unfortunately, now I'm back to watch the rest of it

  12. ETHEL CAIN MENTIONED!! i’d never been comfortable with themes as dark as the ones hayden deals with in her music but her exceptional writing and haunting voice are what made preacher’s daughter my favorite album of all time. she’s truly an outstanding storyteller. the idea that someone like adeline would be remotely in the same ballpark as hayden and her sheer talent is laughable.
    great video, natalie ❤ thank you for sacrificing your brain cells for us.

  13. “If you smoke it with your mouth and I queef it with my box, does that count as cuntalingius?” needs to be STITCHED ONTO A PILLOW, HOLY FUCK I ALMOST DIED LAUGHING

  14. Is this set in Seattle just to echo 50 Shades (a book also written by someone who has clearly never been to Seattle)? I have lived in Seattle for over a year now and I'd never know that this was the setting unless told. Which is absurd since it's a very distinctive city. Maybe if we detailed the nonexistent grid and harrowing natural geography, it would actually make sense that it took Zade 3 months to find Adeline. Also the ~random gender-nonconforming person~ moment was so laughable, like girl there are a half-dozen transfems on the bus on my daily commute, the only reason this person is catching your attention is because you definitely don't love the gays.

  15. You know I mightve felt a bit more of the weight of her whole situation if she hadnt just gotten the most easily treated std out there and maybe got a few or maybe the herpes she was so grossed out by and now she has to have a constant reminder of her trauma whenever she has a flare up

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