
Radical Thoughts on Human Nature | Dr Stephen Blackwood at Hillsdale College

Ralston College Humanities MA: In this lecture, entitled “‘What a Piece of Work is a Man’: …


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  1. Human nature, primate flavors

    Strayed from apes by stage behaviors

    Human nature, primate flavors

    Craves the cage as if slaves are safer

    Human nature, primate flavors

    Play to pay with later labours

    Human nature, primate flavors

    Prey on they when they are neighbors

    Human nature, primate flavors

    Arrange the game so the game’s in favour

    Human nature, primate flavors

    Race to space to escape creator

    Human nature, primate flavors

    Strayed from apes yet same or greater?

  2. Human "nature" is necessary harmful and thus is always "evil" and can only ever be harmful in its nature as it is generated from the nature of meta-nature of all biological natural systems built upon that same necessary harm principle bound and determined by the satanic consumptive need of necessity. Anything which is the genesis of man's fleshly nature which is necessary harmful by the act of this satanic consumptive need is "evil" and can only ever be "evil" and will never be able to be changed or "deified" through physical acts of behaviour of supposedly making it "holy". Unless man is able to be spontaneously unnecessarily harmless i.e. "do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing" and emanate true non-egoic "Goodness without egoic individualised awareness/non-awareness then his nature while in the flesh will always be necessary harmful and that is "evil". This is why Yeshua said "Call no man good, except your father who is heaven", because no man in the flesh can be "GOOD" in the most supreme abstract sense, because man in this death state of this flesh existence is always bound and beset on all sides by his omni-"evil" nature.

    All claims to virtue and ethics of man's "character" while in the flesh as an ideal of supposedly climbing up some hill to some eudaimonic "heaven" constructed by the religious civilisational builders of the past to prolong their own "slice of the pie" of their egoic life legacies is shown to be the socialised domesticated fraud it is. As when all of his behaviour ontologically as a "godly" virtue ethic to be held between man and others of his own species completely breaks apart when he must by necessity also be harmful to his physical "fellow man" in the ruthless satanic competition for resources in order to splurge out and gratify his satanic need of his egoic prison living death machine to "reproduce and multiply and dominate the earth".

    Furthermore he is pressured by the Red Queen problem to abandon principled virtue and ethics in pursuit of some measure of power in order to maintain his existence and his bio-legacy otherwise he will be outcompeted and outplayed. So the only thing which "wins" out and continued to do so is the opposite of virtue and ethics and honourable behaviour, namely, cunning guile and deception, brutality, ruthlessness, and outright displays of soft and hard power as that is how the satanic power apex free for all maintains itself, and if they are doing that at the "top" of this shitshow hell fest between all of the factions, pray tell what do you think the farm animal human cattle stock economic productive unit value potential they fight over must do to survive each day? Its an omni-evil fatalistic molochian Game A race to annihilation. There is no "moral arc of the universe which bends towards justice" self-deceptively generated hopium intoxicated bullshit, there is just hard molochian inevitability of indifferent "evil" real politik "reality".

    Human life and all biological life systems built upon the necessary harm principle of the prison of satanic need of necessity of parasitism and cannibalism is "evil". Propagation then of any "evil" life systems built upon cannibalism and parasitism can never be "ethical" "honourable" or "virtuous" in manner nor any behavioural output by the animal satanic man in this satanic "nature". Thus we have an ever declining resource pool and ever intensified satanic consumptive need driving more unethical and unvirtuous behaviour between each human to human grouping of each system sub-system dynamic connection in which the whole body politik will eventually destroy itself once all of the remaining resources have been used up as greater and greater unethical outcomes with higher and higher tit for tat warring effects take hold changing the game dynamic exponentially as catastrophic existential risk for the whole systems reaches its critical limit.

    All of your civilisational bullshit noble lie pro-human and pro-natal narratives can be shown to be nothing but a "corpse" when observing the nature of this "world" from its first principle observations using a pan psychic gestalt spherical perspective using the core gnostic meta-code of the spiritual sense of the psychic screaming "World Soul" essence being entrapped, tortured and mangled that then informs the ad hoc sense-making of that via gnostic sethian deontological virtue ethical judgement of this nature that is self-evident everywhere on the prison flesh carbon 12 666 beast "body/image/likeness" and in the act of eating dead muck cannibalized life-forms.

    Humans be they young babies or children or adults or old people are "evil" in their fleshly nature and can never be anything but "evil" while their behaviour is ALWAYS governed by some demand of the satanic consumptive need of necessity driving them to steal and take life from other life-forms to preserve their own.

    There is a Radical Thought on Human Nature.

    He who has recognized the world has found a corpse, of that corpse, the world is not worthy" – Gospel of Thomas.

    "Master what is the sin of the world?
    There is no Sin, it is you make sin exist when you act (by necessity of the need to harm to survive) in the accordance with the habits your nature ("evil" human nature), which is inclined to adultery(through "evil" matter continuation in attachment)" – Gospel of Mary Magdalene.

    Discern accordingly.

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