
Psychotherapy, Porous Mind, and Spirit Possession with Robert Falconer

Robert Falconer, MA, is a skilled practitioner of Internal Family Systems (IFS) Therapy. He is coauthor with Richard Schwartz …


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  1. Statement of Comment Etiquette for New Thinking Allowed

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  2. 🥰🙏
    Brilliant discussion🥰
    When he talked about how the sun is always there 😭!
    Now, I just need to find myself a shaman 😅
    We're going to need more of him..

  3. I've been doing spirit depossession with a psychic partner for 30 years. Like Mr Falconer says, its not about banishing wrong and bad "parts", but leading with kindness and compassion until things are resolved for all concerned. My role is to facilitate therapy with the spirit as well as the sitter – to orient, explain, and encourage release. I'm currently writing a dissertation at CIIS about the phenomenon we call spirit attachment and the experiences we've had with sitters. I plan to research connections between traumatic experiences and vulnerability to spirit attachment, but not with an eye towards implying psychopathology. I'm seeking root causes, or the why of attachment. We have demonstrated time and again that situations can be resolved rather quickly. And I hope that by sharing what is "seen" by my psychic partner, my paper will provide perspective to non psychic practitioners who may be interested in doing this work.

    I knew and spoke with Dr Tramont about spirit attachment, since we were both interviewed by George Noory in 2009 on the subject. I am hoping my scholarly contribution and our inside view, that is not reliant on hypnotic responses from clients, will be helpful to practitioners and patients alike.

    We also have a connection to the "Brazilian" Spiritist viewpoint that Mr Falconer referenced, as well. So many gems in this interview. Thank you.

  4. He didn't mention Edith Fiore, maybe she was the first psychologist talking about spirit possession and developed a technique to get rid of these entities. It was a very clinical method, the attached spirit was the patient and she helped them to cross over.

  5. When I say "I have nothing here for you but love" I get chills all over my body. Im suffering from suicidal ideations and depression. I'll keep say it.

  6. True Self, or Self, is the divine light, the God part within us, which all mystics know. It's what's born again in the Christian religion, as the new man described by St. Paul.

  7. Eckert advises that if we feel depressed ask the question: Who's feeling depressed? One day out of no reason I started to feel sad and asked: who's feeling depressed? Slowly my sadness dissolved. After listening to this conversation, I understand better what happened. Thank you for sharing a lot of knowledge ❤

  8. I think Christopher Neil Smith's distinction between major and minor exorcisms is necessary here. Read Malachi Martin's Hostage To The Devil and wonder how Robert might fare. Then too, there is the implication that the Church Fathers didn't know what they were doing. I would suggest they were very brave people indeed.

  9. Very cool video! Instantly reminded me of my friends in the plural community.. not a plural system myself, but I always found it fascinating to have a team of independent voices in your mind, offering different perspectives, strengths and abilities. Great thing if they work together well.

  10. Outstanding presentation! Thank you. It is time to acknowledge the spiritual aspect of mental health and the reality of demonic possession because, without addressing it, hearing cannot happen. Ignoring evil allows evil to flourish, (Weitiko) and that is why so many people are suffering. In addition to the mantra, we can continue to raise our vibrational frequency to stay protected from demonic entities that have the lowest vibrational energy. Asking and giving thanks for protection from all but pure love and light is also effective in establishing protection from negative entities and black magic, which also needs to be acknowledged as factor effecting our lives.

  11. Thanks for this interview; as a retired psychotherapist, I can bring to mind a few (not many) cases where this situation was likely. Fortunately, my supervisor was a Jungian analyst who provided insightful and containing guidance in working with unusual phenomena and dynamics arising in these cases. I am so pleased you plan to invite your interviewee back; I would love to hear more from him about this fascinating subject.

  12. I have DID and I’m a medium. I’m like a light house for spirits! I live with nature spirits and angels and other beings I have spirit orbs around me and I’m learning to separate my parts from outside entities. Not all the entities are bad some have been helpful but some are misguided helpers and need other jobs to move on as I heal.

    Having a porous energy field isn’t bad you just want to connect with the right types of energy

    Spirit possession is really channeling and being a good receiver but people need to heal so they can disconnect from unbalanced consciousness energies!

  13. One of the most insightful interviews I have listened to in a very long time! It explores the curious and powerful interface between the psyche, trauma, shamanism and spirituality with deep compassion and illumination. Such approaches are the only promising ones I can find, that actually addresses the profound suffering and disorientation that some people can experience – in a positive, hopeful and compassionate way . . .

    Please invite Robert for further interviews . .

  14. Perhaps it was an oversight that "The Watseka Wonder" case of possession in two girls was not mentioned or good American cases of reincarnation in children, e.g., Ryan Hammons and the James Leininger cases.

  15. Wonderful presentation/interaction!😍Much gratitude to both guest and Jeffrey! Just wanting to add the Jungian perspective in regards to the "parts" of our psyche as actually being the manifestation of"archetypes of the soul", according to Jung! 💞

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