
Polaris Dawn crew’s 40 science and research experiments during historic spacewalk in the dep space

Join the Polaris Dawn crew to learn details behind some of the ~40 science and research experiments being conducted during the mission. Many of these experiments will provide valuable data regarding human health in space ahead of future long-duration space missions


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  1. Motor world? thank! you for sharing! This video, upload it was real refreshing to see! Jared Isaacman – Mission Commander

    Scott “Kidd” Poteet – Pilot

    Sarah Gillis – Mission Specialist

    Anna Menon – Mission Specialist and Medical Officer! The Polaris Dawn mission indeed marked a significant milestone with the first-ever private spacewalk123. Jared Isaacman and Sarah Gillis ventured outside the Crew Dragon capsule, testing new SpaceX-designed pressure suits4. This is a huge step forward for space exploration, showcasing the advancements in technology and the potential for future missions beyond the International Space Station!, I feel so honored and privileged to be able to witness. The future in the making. Congratulations to crew dragon(. For being bald), courageous and daring. And to set the foundation for future generations(. We may consider). Also. Joining NASA and exploring the unknown

  2. Ridiculous hair by female pilots… completely unnecessary…. Typical US infotainment….all the men have close cropped hair and the women have long hair… it must creates a mess in the cabin… all US showbuisnes approach!!!

  3. What is it about the hair. All of them doing it in many vids. Surely in a lab situation it would be normal to tie your long hair back for hygiene. Their hair will be all over the place. You loose dozens of hairs daily. Yuk, weird.

  4. Sem palavras es mais um dos milagres acontecendo diante de nossos olhos isso não tem preço tudo graças a dedicação empenho trabalho árduo e puro amor e jamais desistir do nosso garoto dos foguetes está revolucionando o mundo o sonho está quase se materializando a Marte

  5. All of the comments by people denigrating the achievements of the early NASA space program, while touting these present-day, corporate, "astounding first-time achievements," as well as the instantly-converted flat earthers and space deniers, I have something to say to you.
    Apparently landing on the moon and coming back safely six times is not enough to convince space-existence deniers that space exists, but a video of hair floating inside a space capsule converts them instantly. They obviously never heard of Sally Ride. She had floating hair too. But, of course you say anything done by NASA before Elon Musk was a hoax and a conspiracy – none of that ever happened…
    NASA had astronauts decompress their Gemini capsules and peek out the hatch 60 years ago, but haters don't believe that either. It's just more willful ignorance and hatred of all things NASA, with a little politics thrown in for good measure. Americans were once proud that their 2-cents per dollar annual income tax contributions made our space program the envy of the world. We belIeved that we the people could do anything if we all pitched in and worked together as one. Today we are hopelessly divided and only believe in a private corporate entity owned by the wealthiest person that ever walked the earth, whose missions are often subsidized with our tax dollars via NASA – under contract. Elon also has the right to any profitable outcome from his missions.
    (Elon-tang and Muska-puters anyone?)
    He can do whatever he wants with his spacelink commercial venture, which is wholly owned by him. He can cut it off any place, anytime he wants, if it suits his personal profit and/or political agenda. (He wants to be the anti-government, anti-president someday) Americans have no say so at all in what he does or doesn't do with his space ventures, because they are made possible by his privately owned, for-profit corporation – Americans be damned. They are just another customer to exploit. Corporation good – anything government – bad. So we place our hands on our hearts and proudly proclaim:
    "We pledge allegiance to Elon Musk and the Divided States of Amerika, and to the corporations for which we stand, one nation, overtrod, with thievery and poverty for all,"
    Thank you baby Jesus.

  6. Wow, what a wonderful moment, what a rich and transformative experience! Beautiful, what a most rewarding thing. Congratulations, and thank you very much for the detailed information on this entire clinical approach to your conditions. 😍❤️💖❤️👏👏👏🌹🌹🌹🌹🌟💫

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