Solar Energy

No Solar Panels | Lewis Black’s Rantcast clips

It’s okay to not completely understand solar panels. But it’s probably not okay to voice that notion.
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🙋🏼‍♂️Lewis Black
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🎥 Produced by The Syndicate

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  1. Good education ended in Missouri when they quit paying and hiring teachers or purchase books way back in 2015. Our ince AAA-rated small town school has been in 4-day school weeks in barely staffed schools going in 7 yrs now & its inly getting worse. No day-care in town, no before or after school programs…
    Im working in a rant i guess. ♀️⚖️☮️

  2. The real reason to look down upon these technologies is that none of them will truly make up for our gluttonous needs as a species. That's the secret, we will not lessen our consumption at all. As population grows exponentially, thus these miserable attempts are shrouded by this basic truth.

  3. At some point, you have to realize that you’re being trolled.

    Imagine you’re in a small town that you absolutely love. You don’t want that to change. What do you do? You report unprecedented levels of crime.

    The joke is on the energetic intelligent. Just focus on your own recycle bin, and get on with your day.

  4. An idea/argument so stupid it makes Lewis Black actually has to/makes him too tired to not yell angrily about how stupid it is to try and get across how moronic an idea/argument it is.

  5. That level of ignorance exceeds the responsibility lack of scientific understanding as there clearly also has to be a lack of common sense and basic logic paired with maybe some indoctrination of right wing anti-green propaganda and maybe as hinted towards some strange believes.
    How to engage with people that are soooo far away from reality is a mystery we need to solve somehow.

  6. I had 12 solar panels on my home when I lived in Oklahoma City. Four were dedicated to the huge over sized Lennox air conditioner. My electric bill usually ran $14.28 a month. I wondered how it could be the same most of the time so I called the electric company. We called and I learned that since weren't off grid that everyone pays an amount that goes toward maintenance. That amount was…. $14.28.

  7. Joke for you Sir: Cash in the trash. I was walking up to the gas station and an elderly man was scratching off his lottery tickets right on top of the trash can. Furiously scratching and throwing them right in the trash. Then he went in and bought $100 more and I told him, "you might not want to scratch those tickets off right on top of the trash can, bad mojo on your tickets". He says, "you're right", and goes right back to scratching his tickets right on top of the trash can right outside the store….Cash in the trash. Cash I know I could use, along with all the homeless people around here.

  8. If that were true, wouldn't solar farms be doing double duty in combatting global warming – reducing the need to produce greenhouse gases while also sucking up excess energy (heat) from the sun?

  9. i'm in colorado. one of the sunniest states, in clear days/yr. i have to pay a petro piggy energy company that's not even IN MY STATE to have electricity. (instead of having someone place panels on my roof that i would pay over time for the usage at a reasonable profit for the panel co. until i own 'em.or not. -the elec. would still be cheaper in cost to me and the planet.). and some weeks ago i met a person (cabby) that vehemently insisted that SCIENCE was an evil left wing woke agenda plot. i'm in my sixties. not having kids was the smartest fucking move i ever made…..because i couldn't live w/ the idea of creating and sentencing another human to live on a rock w/ 8 billion idiots who BELIEVE things…

  10. Immigrants by the millions are streaming across the border; and they are stealing our sunshine. There will be no sunshine left for us honest hard workin’, gun totin’ Muricuns. Save our sunshine!!!

  11. Imagine having to be the SCIENTIST who has to go in and DEBUNK these crap theories, only to have the TOWN say "Well… thank you for your time; we're opting to ignore what you said".

  12. I live in NC and there is a vast quantity of stupid people in this state. Most probably don't have more than a 5th grade aptitude. They all want to grow up to be farmers and auto mechanics but don't have enough smarts to be either.

  13. Solar is truly a miracle tech that can double as both shelter and energy generation. The sun is free nuclear energy. And its been improving at a crazy pace. Clean, effective, beneficial for all. Go and read latest solar news and advancements. It only gets cooler.

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