
New Discovery of Ancient Symbols in Antarctica | Linda Moulton

Mysterious ancient symbols have been discovered deep in Antarctica, sparking new questions about ancient history. Could these symbols be connected to UFO sightings and aliens? This video explores the mystery and its potential ties to extraterrestrial life.

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  1. There is life that has been on earth and more that is highly advanced. When does the truth come out to all? They have to stop trying to figure it out and let be known to all. And they know who I’m referring to.

  2. I believe mrs.howe and the ppl she's talked with..altho I don't think it is right that they don't want ppl like us on the surface to know ,it's wrong the information could be used to elevate humanity instead the evil that runs the globe is to selfish n more into greed n control so those secret keepers should be removed from any place of authority…ty to Mrs Howe n all the others trying to give info out to the ppl .❤❤❤

  3. I like this lady I’ve watched her over the yrs & I also remember prob well over 20 yrs ago, I used to watch another gr8 archeologist, a mature woman, &she discovered something i think it was in Lake Tahoe (can’t be sure if memory serves me correctly on name of lake)but she made fantastic discoveries all over South America & was on tv 📺 for yrs!but the moment she dated her discoveries waay way too old& her dates didn’t line up with the narrative provided by ALL mainstream archeology THEY DUMPED HER & DESTROYED HER GOOD NAME & WORKS!! &they blocked her from ever being able to publish ANY NEW DISCOVERIES ever again! They destroyed the lady & a brilliantly talented great woman was forced to being a flower arranger for a livelihood which shows all knowledge is corrupted: INCLUDING OUR TRUE HISTORY & ORIGINS EVEN THE ARCHEOLOGISTS😢 the governments, the Vatican, & the WEF hide 🙈 stuff I believe, & they even own ancient sites to Halt further progress & excavations I believe 😢😮

  4. Is it all Doom and Gloom? or are these military heads of Secrecy keeping the prize for themselves?
    Too bad to share? NO they are happy to crush us with Wars and Pretend Viruses! Would they share the richness of Peace and Abundance? HA! HA! HA!

  5. Yes one can, even scientifically know his or hers own body. These are sibols, end no there are not aliens. See just if one does not grasp, one learns. There is no subject and object, than knowledge and wisdom will come. At the time we are spiking of people lived much longer even 15.000.00 years. And materials, genotype was sacred. This is what is left of burial grounds of Antarctica. Then we made a mistake, so advanced, but still aiming material. Nothing of todays technology could not measure with humans gift, mifgt, and talents. Yet we produced back than so powerful tech, like today it in realty is. If sometimes and sumtings looks emty it is not. Especially not of any danger to humans.
    Om Ejakati Hum Phat Svaha

  6. Where’s the pictures. ? This is based on what 2 men have told her with no evidence or pictures.?? Any proof
    The deepest a US Navy submarine can dive is 800ft something doesn’t add up here

  7. It is a lie to say Antarctica is millions of years of ice the wall grows 19ft yearly. We are terra forming this planet aboriginals remember just like a map of entire continent to perfection we making the wall

  8. It's a common and frequent question, why aren't we informed.
    1. Revealing the truth would also reveal we are not alone.
    2. Many people are mentally already on the edge of insanity. The stresses brought by economic concerns, politics, climate change, etc, etc..
    3. The truth being revealed would throw religions out of the window.
    Please imagine the general reaction and subsequent chaos of the truth being told !!

  9. We are definitely being lied to about our past history. A lot of needless suffering caused by the selfish few. Definitely time for us all to stand up and take our world for all and send the cabal to back to hell…

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