
Neil Armstrong’s Mysterious Jungle Mission! | Full Episode | Nasa’s Unexplained Files | Discovery

In August 1976, Neil Armstrong, the first man on the moon, embarked on a mission that was far from the stars. Instead of exploring …


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  1. Not lost any more don’t you think ???or aliens 👽 😂Be just like the library of Alexandria all in the Vatican vaults 🤔 just like many of our historical secrets, texts n our true history

  2. Great job discovery channel. Call the russians liars like we have room to talk. Just love at the end of the show you say aliens may be coming to get us ….destroy us.😂😂😂 Blow smoke in someone elses ear. Pretty sure the public is aware of your nonsense.

  3. How can you talk about the Russians being dishonest and covering stuff up when Nasa, our wonderful U.S. astronauts were forced to lie about going to the moon???? The Russians are not the big liars. Its our government that constantly lies.😮

  4. Hi, Saagar I have seen a UFO flying around the top of the full moon
    & also have been visited by the Tall people while cleaning up the
    the beach where I live & also had & a visit by the reptilian as well
    who was standing by & an old car so when I approached him he through
    & empty Coffee cup on the road so I picked it up with my

  5. DART did exactly what it was designed to do and that was to take out satellites…good job! We just had to lie about its real mission. I don't believe we've ever built a satellite that had docking capabilities…why would we???

  6. The "Word"!! Of The "Creator"!!
    "Creator"! Of "Time's"! and "Universe"!

    Sun 🌞 Moon 🌙
    Since The "Beginning"! Of "Time's"!

    "Recognize"!!  The "Truth"!! 
    "Consider"!!   "Truth"!!
    "Love"!  The  "Truth"!!
    And  "Think"!!   "Again"!!   🤔

    "Which"!? Should be The "Truthful"!

    7th Day Of  "Rest"! 
    "Sunday"!?   "Saturday"!?
    The  "Original"!  The "Only"! "Truthful"!! "Sabbath"!!  "Since"!  The "Creation"!!.  in Genesis 1:(14-18) Genesis 2:(1-3)

    "Strong"! "Delusion"!
    2 Thessalonians 2:(1-13)

    "False"! "Friday's" for "Islam"  ☪️
    "False"! "Christian" "Saturday" ✝️
    "False"! "Christian" "Sunday" ✝️

    for "False"!  "Christianity"  ✝️  

    All "United"!!!  in  "ONE"!    🌎
    "ONE"!  "World"! "ORDER"!   🌎 
    "ONE"!  "Word"! "RELIGION"! 🌎

    In  "ONE"!  "Man" "Made"     🌎
    "CALENDAR"!!!  Of  "ROME"!!!  📅

              2 Corinthians 4:(3-4)
    The "God" Of This  "World"!!!  🌎
    "Have"!   "blind"!!!  "Their's"!  "Mind's

    "Sola" "Scriptura"!
    "Bible"!  "History"!!!
    "Provide"!  "Proof"!
    And "Evidence"!

                   Exodus 12:(1-2)
       Genesis 1:(14-18)Genesis 2:(1-3)
             "Day's Month's Year's"!

             "Moses"! and "Aaron"!
      40 Year's in The "Desert"! in
    Mt. Sinai  40 Year's in The "Desert"! in The Land Of "Egypt"! Receiving"!  the "Mana"!, Keeping the 7th Day Of Rest The "Sabbath"! Of "Creation"!..

    And  They Have "No"!!!  "Need"!  Of  Any "Man"   "Made"   "ROMAN!???  "Paper"! " "Pagan"! "Calendar"!
    To Keep The "Sabbath"!
    "Especially"! "Not"!
    A "ROMAN" "Calendar"

    "False"!  "ROMAN"!  "Calendar's"
              Isaiah 66:(2)
    "Consider"!  The  "Word"!
    Of  "GOD"!  THE "CREATOR"!
    "Since"! The "Beginning"!  Of  "Time's"!

             Psalms 19:(1)
    The "Heavens"!   "Declare"!
    The  "Glory"!  Of  "GOD"!
    The "Creator"! Of  "Time's"!
    and  The "Universe"! 

    "Yes"!!!  "Obedient"!!! 
    "OBEDIENT"!  to the "CREATOR"!
    The "WORD"! Of The "CREATOR"!
    Of "TIME'S"!  and "UNIVERSE"!

    The "Truth"!!
    "Shall"!  Make  "You"!  "Free"!
    The "Word"! Of Our "Savior"!
    John 8:(31-32)
    "Free"! Of  The   "LIES"!  Of 
    The "Oldest"!  "Serpent"!  🐉
    The "Dragon"!..
    The "Devil"! "Itself…

    in The  "Latter"! "Day's"! 
    Or  End   "Time's"!
    The "Lawless"! One!..
    The ("Working"!) 
     Of  ("Satan"! ) ( the "Devil"! )
     And The  "Assistance"!!!  Of
    The  "Beast"!>That is "ROME"!!!

    "With"!  All  "POWER"!!! and  "SIGNS"!!!   and  "LYING"!!!  "WONDERS"!!!  and  "With"! 
    "All"! "UNRIGHTEOUS"!!!!  "DECEPTION"!!!! 
    "Strong"! "Delusion"!
    2 Thessalonians    2:(9-12)

                           Daniel  7:(25)
                  "Will"!  "Try"!  to "Change"!
      "Time's"! and "GOD'S"!  "Law"! 
    "Even"! in "This"! "Day's"!

    "Deceiving"!!! The "Whole"! "World"!🌎

    The "Creator"! Of The "Universe"!
             The "Creator"! Also
    "Divided"!  into  ¡"two"!  "Pieces"! Of
    "Space"!  "Divided"!!!  The "Light"!!!!
    from  The  "Darkness" 

    Gen.1:(14-18)"Creator"! "Divided"!
            John 11:(9) 12hrs=Day
         by   The "Son"! Of  "GOD"!

        "Divided"!  "Light"!/"Darkness"!

           2nd Corinthians 6:(14)
    "What"???  "Common"??? Have
    "Light"!!!!  With  "Darkness"
    "Nothing"!!! in "Communion"!!!
    "Or"  in  "Particular"!!!

    "GOD"! The "Creator"! is a "GOD"!
    Of  "Light"!!!!  " Not"!!!  Of  "Darkness"

             1st John 1:(5)
    "GOD"!!!!!!!  is "Light"!!!!!!!
    And  in "Him"!!!! 
    is  "No"!  "Darkness"
    "At"!!!!   "All"!!!
    "No"!!! "24hrs"  "Day's" for "GOD"!

    For The  "Creator"!
    The  HEAVENLY  "SON"!   "YESHUA"!!
    "No"!!! "Darkness"!!!
    "No"!!! "24hrs" "Day's"
                     "At"!   "All"!

    Since The "Beginning"! Of "Time's"!
                 Genesis 1:(14-18)
                    Genesis 2:(1-3)
                    John 11(9)                              

    No"!!!  "ROMAN"!?  "Calendar"  for
                "ADAM"! And "EVE'!

    "No"!!!  "ROMAN"!?  "Calendar"  for
            "MOSES"!  and  "AARON"!

       "No"!!!  "ROMAN"!  "Calendar"! 
                      THE "PROPHETS"!
                      THE   "APOSTLE'S"!

      "NOT"!!!  a  "MAN"  "MADE"
              "ROMAN"!?  "CALENDAR"

            For "Our"! "OWN"!  "SAVIOR"!
    To "Keep"!  The  7th Day  "SABBATH"!
                  OUR   "SAVIOR"!!!!…
      "YESHUA"!!… "LORD"!!!!   Of   The  "SABBATH"!!!!!!!….
                            Matthew 12:(8)
                                    Mark 2:(27-28)

    Genesis 1:(14-18)
                           "GOD'S"!  "Calendar"!
    Genesis 2(1-3)"GOD'S"!  "Sabbath"!

    7th Day  Of  REST Of  "Creation"!
    "BLESSED"!!!!!!!   and  "SANCTIFY"!!!!!!!
    By The  "Power"! Of "His"!  "WORD"!  The   "CREATOR"!  Of  "TIME'S"!
    and  "UNIVERSE"! 

                    And  in "This"!
    "Last"!  "Day's"! "Should"! "NO"!!!
       "ROMAN"!??   "CALENDAR"!??
    for "WORSHIP"!
    for  The  "People"!!  Of  "GOD"!!

    To "Keep"!!
    The  7th  Day Of Rest "SABBATH"!…
    for  The  "Truthful"!  "People"! 
    The  "Remnant"!!  Of  "GOD"!!     

    And  Also For  The  "TRUTHFUL"!! "Remnant"!!  "People"!!  Of  "GOD"!


    "Shall"!  be
    "No"!!! "Earth"  day
    "No"!!! "Father's"  day
    "No"!!! "Mother's"  day
    "No"!!!  "Valentine's"  day
    "No"!!!  "Roman"  "Passover"
    "No"!!!  "New"  "Year's"  day
    "Or"  "Other's"!??   "Things"!!??
    "Man" "Made" "World"  "Invention's"!
    From "The" "  "United"  "Nation's"  
    "OR" "ROMAN"!?   "Tradition's"!??

    Isaiah 5:(20,24) "Calling"!!! ("Good"!-"Evil"!)-("Evil"!-Good"!)

    Luke 17:(28-30)
    "Like"! The "Day's" Of "Lot'!
        Genesis 19:(1-5)
    "Day's"!  Of  "Sodom"!

           Today's Day's  Shall  be
          1st  Corinthians  6:(9-11)
    "Repent"!  and  "forgiveness"!

    "Acknowledge"!!!  "The"!  "Truth"!
    "Who"!?  "Say"! "Worship"!   "Me"
    And I  "Give"!?  You  "All"! The "Power" and   "Kingdom's"!!!
    The "Dragon"! 🐉 The "Devil" 🐉
                           Matthew 4:(3-10)

    The "Hole"!!! "Earth-World"! 🌎
    is  "Worshipping"!!!? "Who"???
    "Now"!!!  in  This  "Last"!  "Day's"!

         Answer:)= Matthew  4:(3-10)

    Genesis  3:(4-5)
    "You"  "Shall"! be "Like" "god's"
    The "Serpent" 🐉
    The "Dragon"! 🐉
    The "Devil" Itself 🐉
    "Behind"!!!! The "Beast"!!!
    "That  it  is  "ROME"!!!

    "Salvation"? in
    "Or" "Wife's"???
    Or  "Pet's"???
    "Or" in "Invented"!???
    "Man" "Made"  "Celebration"!???
    "Man" "Made" Tradition's"!???

    "Salvation"!?  in 
    "Beast"!? >=That is "ROME"!?
    "Salvation"!? in The "Serpent"!? 🐉
    Salvation"!? in "The "Dragon"!? 🐉
    "Dragon"!?🐉=> That is The "Devil"!


    Ps:)"GOD"! 7th Day's "Creation"!!!
    Genesis 1:(1-14-18)Genesis 2:(1-3)

        "Destruction"!!!  Of  Earth  🌎
    Genesis 7:(11-24)
          in 40 "Day's"!-"Night's"!
             in The "Flood"!!!

     7th "Last"!
    "Plague's"! in 7th "Day's"!!!

    "Ware"?? "They" Got  7th "Year's"!?
    "Tribulation"???… "from"???..

    Wen… "GOD"!! "Create"!!  and "Destroy"!! in "Day's"!!!

    Revelation 15:(1-2)
    Revelation 16:(1-21)

  7. 😮🙏 People of the World should by now learned & study enough to abandone wrong misconceptions of others' non-existence of true single ethnicities or religions , to bully , to exploit or to hate & create conflicts & wars with others based blindly on the manipulations of selfish & power-hungry politicians & warlords playing edited racial & weaponized religious docrines to control their subjects to vote , work , pay taxes & to fight their bloody wars for them! People of this World have the Power to say No to Systemic Racism , Sexism , Prejudices , Extremism , Conflicts & Wars! We can as individual to be Better Person & be more Responsible Citizen to make this World a little bit Safer , Healthier , Better Manage & Happier for All of Us! We Can Do It! Yes , We Can! We Earth 🌎 Humans live intertwined with the Animal & Ghostly realms from Below & with the Asura / Titan , Dragons , Phoenix , DemiGods & DemiGoddesses from Above in these 6 Realms of Samsara ( Sufferings ) based on their Karmic Energies' manifestations … The same would apply to other Lifeforms in other Galaxies too … 🙏🌷🌿🍎🍊🌎✌💜🕊

  8. Neil Armstrong is a fake and a liar………First man on the moon was a farce and a hoax. They say that they put a man on the moon in 1969, but…….more than 50 years later and we are finding out that they can't land man on the moon, because it NEVER happened in 1969, it was all staged in Hollywood………….PROVE ME WRONG!!!!!!

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