
NASA WARNS: Voyager 1 Just Captured Something IMPOSSIBLE!

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In a groundbreaking discovery, NASA’s Voyager 1 has sent back data that defies everything we thought we knew about space. Launched in 1977, Voyager 1 has been exploring the far reaches of our solar system for over 45 years. But now, this historic spacecraft has captured something that scientists are struggling to explain—a phenomenon so unexpected that it could rewrite the rules of astrophysics! 🌌

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  1. In my opinion, US simply send relay signal booster satellite after Voyager 1 and 2, that way we earth can receive info for hundred years ( also help save Voy 1 energy, less power used to transmit data). US prefer to military satellites.

  2. On each planet when you place the plug in the socket you’ll see a circle in it is a different zone of life form wife’s of mines waiting call the phone number that is on the red button chrome box and or trust o 0 operator sprint and my name bye.

  3. Would you brlieve that I witness the John f Kennedy assassination Al gore took the person it was in front of a building he was talking then I seen someone on top of the building like a red old brick type of tall building he was on the sniper he used a Winchester mm rifle. Then I was jr cia the John f Kennedy and I was in a small white building and inside of it was computers chrome in back of the door and on the left side snd right side I was wearing black and Powell took my wires off changed my finger prints but I was ambushed the gun sits inside the cement on top of the building unknown name and if you ever seen a cone the micraphone sits inside the circle of the lip covered with a black type of medal cone bye.

  4. On your computer it shows the temperature of the sun and in outer space you’ll need heat and air outside of the flying saucer or contact and trust bill Clinton he knows how yo find me I introduced him to my nucleons and when I was nis bye.

  5. If you have a deomegetronix or sonny boett or a militia or a computer from the Air Force on planet rock they became the planet earth I went under the sun then up then into a hole out and build a planet but look for the Milky Way build flying saucers out of magnets like two speakers on top of each others magnect it does nothing but float then use air for power boosters heater for your protection on not to freeze in space then use a electronic components to run it then make cameras to look out make a computer screen inside and outside that won’t melt then there’s planets as far as outer space and each planet has names on it if you remember a box and a paper given to y’all then read it place the box plug on the floating component sign in space then punch the button bye from me Fernando Rafael Saucedo 22171925 .

  6. GOOD try NASA, we all know your main goal is to keep us from the truth. Just chalking this up as another, shiny jingling thing they are holding up as they give us our “shots” they don’t want us to notice them doing.

  7. wow ,is anyone wondering exactly WHY, or HOW , humans somehow made batterys that can continue to work for over 60yrs in below temps ,that exists in an-artica ,or is it just me ,and what about the computers used before we ever had anything close to what we have today ,by all accounts ,it shouldnt be possible ! sh!t dont add up !!!

  8. Voyager 1 proved one thing, modern products are a scam. Voyager 1 was created over 40 years ago and still functioning in extreme harsh environment for 40 years while your iPhone can break down less than a year from the time you bought it. Hows that for impossible?

  9. The spacecraft is further than it's EVER been and the efficiency of understandable & trustworthy transmission being received is going to be at an all-time low during it's vastly extended journey. Believing in hokus pokus messages being received is scientifically complete nonsense. Get real.

  10. Perhaps Voyager 1 is not alone! It's possible an entity could have breached his system,could be hostile,could be trying to reverse engineer V1s transmissions,you know the transmissions coming here,to earth!! V1 wouldn't want to let entity know,that V1 knows it's there and def wouldn't want entity to be successful in reaching earth!! Maybe it's coded?? I WOULD try to decipher that repeated string of googly-gook v1 sent. He's trying to say something,that's 4 sure. Peace out!

  11. The fact that Voyager -1 travelled and so was the Voyager-2are travelled without being hit by the debris of Kuiper belt and as they travelled the vast distance without getting damage is that the space is certainly empty other than Planets and their MOONS the space is justa vacuum and proves thatwe are alone in this Galaxy.This establishes that VISHNU PURANA has certainly happened and is happening and the KALIYUGA will Happen and the Universe will collapse around approx 17 billion years and after some time the BIG BANG will happen once again the whole system start again

  12. What they managed to accomplish with the making of V1 and V2 is absolutely incredible. Especially with the technology they had back then. And they’re still out there. Amazing top of their fields back then unlike today’s woke NASA. We don’t have the best at NASA today just DEI hires.

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