
NASA Shut Down Live Feed After Detecting Something Terrifying Entering Our Solar System

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  1. The navy received an angry transmission.
    From a know source. After climbing on a
    Under water base. That's BEEN going up and down in the water. On some hydraulic jack. It's been coming up and down. But they claimed on one day wile it was above water
    Trying to cut through the door with diamond head cutting torches didn't no good
    And now the owner of the space station sea station. Want trouble for mans breaking an entry.

  2. They kept the UFO landing base 🛸 in Chicago at O'HARE AIRPORT. A secret from the beginning. All airports have hundred's of miles of extra 🛬 landing
    Strip's. ALL the way to the back.
    Be hind the Air strip in use.
    Flat field perfect for sauceer

  3. NASA does not cut the feed, there are handovers to other TDRS satellites, they can take about a minute to acquire the connection, if the KU antenna does not make the connection it will keep searching for it until it finds it. and there is a section of earth starting over India until Mongolia where there is no live view due to the TDRS over that area, but at anytime NASA can switch the feed to be down streamed, it is known as ZOE, zone of exclusion. It mostly covers the countries who`s name end in Stan. People are so fast to take the word of frauds rather then watch the live stream and decide for themselves . It will take you 1 year of watching the live feed to start to understand what is going on. There is no other company who offers people access to unlimited information as NASA does. If anything NASA overloads us with info.

  4. i agree with what ur saying about micro gravity letting cancer spread. since all cancer is, is mutated healthy cells that tend to propagate until theres no more healthy cells in the body leading to death, it does seem like gravity since it pulls one way helps it propagate, it kinda forces it too

  5. Actually they will be able to catch a supernova any day now, It will be visible on earth for 1 week and is Once in a lifetime for earth. They know its coming but can't ever predict exact day, just approximation which is currently set as sometime in may or before october this year, as big as the north star, Then again its just a NOVA not supernova so i mispoke, No idea how this is a predictable event every 80 years, So for us, its once in a lifetime.

  6. So China is building stealth jets and stealth bombers that look very unsettling. Like the V-shaped UFOs and triangular-shaped ones as well… our stealth bombers kinda have that triangle look as well so it's nothing too new. But from what is being shown, makes me wonder if they got the tech right and have been all in our airspace

  7. Forget what the government says. Instead, focus on what they do.
    Why did President Trump add the first new branch to the military since the Marine Corps.?
    Space Force. As much as he was hated by the Dems, this was one action that was not only bipartisan but all sides, including the military, Congress ,and the intelligence community applauded and said it was long overdue.
    If it was just for defense against international threats, it would simply have gone through US Air force with Navy Intel .
    Have you noticed that very little is spoken about them and what their missions are

  8. As an American citizen born and raised here I vote that we stopped funding NASA until all of their information becomes public information for American citizens. I'm tired of paying my hard-earned taxes for a f**** company that keeps everything a f**** secret from the people that Finance them. Now with that being said f*** Joe Biden f*** Trump f*** every f**** politician

  9. They had already agreed on how gravity was achieved in space in the 80s, they are already travelling back and forth thats why theyre going to make trains in the moon and power generators…. so please people theyre already travelling

  10. Space isn't meant to be overcame. It should be pretty obvious when its every aspect is hostile to biological life. To say that we should travel through space is only a tad less fool hardy than saying that we should get in a tube and travel through lava.

    But hey, the monkey likes a challenge. Which is probably why Earth is extra far from all our neighbors.

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