
NASA: Crew Coming Back On SpaceX Ship. Boeing No-Show At Presser But Insists Crew Could Still Fly.

Nasa announces their decision to save the crew. Watch the Highlights from NASA (Boeing DIdnt Show up) Press Conference With …


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  1. I realize this isnt an exciting video and probably wont be for everyone but I like to always give you as much "Unfiltered" information as possible that you can pick and choose what you want to watch, when you want to watch it. So I like giving you the opportunity to choose what you like that's why I put the chapters in so you can move around at your leisure.

  2. Why aren't some Boeing Execs and Managers already in Jail? Why is our Gov still giving contracts to Boeing?
    Boeing's current Starliner management is still operating under the old Boeing doctrine: Save Face Now, Short Term Stock Prices, Admit No Failures, Blame Everyone Else (Aerojet in this case), Gamble with Other People's Lives. It is Extremely difficult to Change a Company's focus and style that has been Indoctrinated for Over 30 Years. For the sake of our Nation and Boeing, I hope that the new Boeing CEO will succeed Sooner rather than later.
    I am Glad to hear that the Nasa Administrator Admitting Nasa's Past Failures. Showing that Thiokol's managers responsible for their Challenger decisions should have been prosecuted. And Nasa managers responsible for the Columbia's demise should have been criminally investigated – at the very least – for the role that they played in its loss. Anyone refusing to cooperate with the criminal investigation (their right under the 5th Amendment) should have been Fired: Gov's right to terminate you if you are refusing to answer their questions because you are concerned that you might be exposing yourself criminally.

  3. Maybe it is just me but I want to call Bill Nelson a marble-mind. Here is his job description: The administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration is the highest-ranking official of NASA, the national space agency of the United States. The administrator is NASA's chief decision maker, responsible for providing clarity to the agency's vision and serving as a source of internal leadership within NASA. The office holder also has an important place within United States space policy, and is assisted by a deputy administrator.

    The administrator is appointed by the president of the United States, with the advice and consent of the United States Senate, and thereafter serves at the president's pleasure. Former senator and astronaut Bill Nelson has served as the administrator since May 3, 2021.

    Political party Democrat

  4. I was just hoping that nasa would have come out and stated: "We screwed up and boeing screwed up." They kept say that this was a test flight. I would recommend that every person getting on a boeing airliner that they were informed THIS IS A TEST FLIGHT.

  5. If they just started understanding physics then there is plenty of time for me also 🤡.
    I forgot that in my case I’m not managing someone else’s tax money neither risk anyone’s life 🤡🤮

  6. We are looking at the data, we are collecting data, we are analyzing the data, the data will guide us. . .

    Only NASA can do the right thing and seem shifty as Hell doing it.

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