
Money Bots | High-frequency trading | Scam

Money Bots | High-frequency trading | Scam

Money Bots – In high frequency trading the fastest data network makes the deal. Money Bots (2020) Director: Friedrich Moser, …


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  1. That "lone Trader" in the UK theyre referring to has to be that Indian kid who made a fortune playing the order books and ultimately got arrested. funny how hedge funds can do it but when its an individual they get slammed with the hammer

  2. He is describing exchange arbitrage, where you buy in one exchange and sell on another while price has not been updated. Do this at the speed of light, and you make profit, but it also creates a "flash crash". The rest of traders get the worst execution possible due to high frequency orders being filled at light speeds. Whose at fault? The exchanges, brokers, investment banks for filling orders at high frequency speeds. They are obviously aware of this but it's a round business for them. There won't be "regulation" unless there is a high demand for it, most people are too lazy and unaware to even do anything about it, just like he mentioned.

  3. With business sectors tumbling, expansion taking off, the Fed impressive enormous loan fee climb, while depository yields are rising quickly, and that implies more red ink for portfolios this second half of the year. How might I benefit from the ongoing unpredictable market? I'm currently at an intersection choosing if to sell my stock portfolio.

  4. I'm from india and me and my father have developed a trading bot it's been running for 3 months and we made over 8000+ USD,

    i'm proud of him, entering the age of technology, fck the government

  5. the solution is to do away with derivatives. First, the issue according to this documentary is options contracts. those that know these contracts are aware of their leveraged value and the fact that the future value is determined by a complex formula comprising in part by volatility and time to expiration. Second, dark pools must be dissolved. Dark pools are how the elite make money over the everyday trader, they basically get to trade in secret only to be revealed the next day, this is akin to a poker player getting to see every 2nd card of the next 10 cards in the deck. Of course none of this will ever be fixed. Those that make the rules and those that enforce them are paid off by those that benefit from circumventing them or exploiting loopholes that have purposefully been put in place for them.

  6. They basically are just high tech thieves. They contribute nothing of value to society but take from those who actually contribute. They think they are gods because they "come up with a way to beat the system" when they are using massive amounts of knowledge and technology created by billions of people over decades, centuries, and millennia… but they keep all the profits for themselves and buddies and spoiled insane offspring. We live in a corrupt insane system which they take advantage of and benefit from and people treat them as if they are special.

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