
Mike Challenges Ancient Alien Believers

Some people ask me why we should care about the Ancient Aliens series. I’ve told them that that series and related works never give you a way to prove their claims, and they should respect you enough to give you that. Check this out!


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  1. Okay, just the use of evidence….. I've pointed out the truth to you about 3 times and 3 times or more you deleted my posts and ignored facts by only looking straight like a horse on a track. look around and listen more …. I pray that when Jesus comes back you don't act the same way you are now… ;) i provide references to other points in history and more references. Yet you still post a weird narrative. even though the scripture talks about the divine counsel.
    the church hid most of the older truths and wars have destroyed a lot of the others …. in fact, didn't the church kill most of the saints of old? before making them saints(i.e. Saint peter.). did they not start what was called the purge and attempt to kill the entire Constantine bloodline (and failed.) did they not cause what's known as Friday the 13th of April 1307 what about the natives and the Mexicans(Mayans) from the 1100 area in the books more like 1300 again for further control. The East had no disbelief in any of what I'm saying until much later in history.
    now you can still believe what you like but you're looking silly at this point your not even doing what Dr. Hieser is recommending (1min.49.)… which is looking around. maybe look at my videos … I'm speaking from my own personal experience and studies. I AM BEING HONEST " I QUOTE'"DO NOT BECOME SLAVED TO A AUTHORITY FIGURE "What would you call a one-minded religion that wishes to exclude your brothers and sisters? you are not alone they are real stories and encounters are not myths and solely beliefs but facts meant to keep you spiritually in tune with the higher realms and god. and the angels. and even the others.

  2. If u really followed evidence youll see nearly all stories from bible are based on older stories.

    Take noah for example where we have actual cuniform tablets showing someone warning the air, about a flood . The being is warning the air because he is standing outside of noahs house and the being promised not to tell humans about the flood. But technically the being didnt warn noah, but the air.

    Not saying the bible is false, what im saying is its based on something else.

    You can look at the work of irving finkel, for a better glimpse.

    Like vrother michael said, be suspicious.

  3. This man acts like he doesn't understand how arrogant all the so-called professionals actually are. Firstly, the information he's referring to certainly wouldn't be in any book because the exact same arrogant Scholars writing the books are the ones sitting on their high hoarseness talking down to any dissenting voice or ideas. I guess once you've bought and paid for your PHD, you then inherit any and all information in your corresponding subject. The problem is the rest of the world doesn't respect or trust anything coming out of yalls mouths because the Scholars of the world are as much a tool as any conspiracy theorist, the difference is one group can never be convinced they're wrong even though they are proven wrong time and time again

  4. I used to think that it was quite possible that there is life somewhere out there in the vast universe. Then I heard Hugh Ross, a Christian astrophysicist, on the subject. He maintains that the conditions on earth, such as the proportions of different elements, are so unusual and specific as to be statistically impossible to replicate elsewhere.
    If you're curious on this, check him out!

  5. The counterfeit strives in many ways to cause doubt, confuse, and deceive. As the time grows shorter the more the chaos will be stirred up. The strong delusion is here, it will get worse as the days slip by. Stay focused on our Saviour Christ Jesus, rest in the Holy Spirit, this life is temporal. Stay away from foolishness, there are no 'aliens' but many demons and minions.

  6. Why all the alien talk on different platforms?
    I love Dr Heiser and I know he delved into this realm, but it seems like whoever is in charge of his content are really pushing this. He talked about SO MUCH more!!!

  7. I love ancient alien speculation as well as sophisticated ancient civilization speculation (Atlantis,Mu, etc.). But as fascinating as it is, it's all speculation at this point. Despite the circumstantial evidence there is no smoking gun. And Dr. Heiser is correct that some of the advocates are suspiciously choosy and biased in their interpretation and use of sources. The remedy, however, is not to dismiss it. It's to shine daylight on all the relevant facts and keep shining daylight on those facts in the most honest and straightforward way. To do otherwise will aways feed into the "They are conspiring to hide it" narratives.

  8. Same goes for religious figures, political figures, and medical figures. They all want authority without the resources where they say they have authority over your mind, body, and soul.

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