
Medical Scientist Thinks He Knows the REAL Causes of Alzheimer’s | Dr. Richard Johnson

Watch the full interview with Dr. Richard Johnson on YouTube 👉

Dr. Richard Johnson is a practicing physician and has been a medical scientist for over 25 years. He is currently a Professor of Medicine at the University of Colorado in Denver.

Rick is internationally recognized for his seminal work on the role of sugar and its component fructose, in obesity and diabetes. His work has also suggested a fundamental role for uric acid (which is generated during fructose metabolism) in the metabolic syndrome.

Rick’s book is Nature Wants Us to Be Fat: The Surprising Science Behind Why We Gain Weight and How We Can Prevent – and Reverse – It.

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Jesse Chappus has in-depth conversations with health and wellness leaders from around the world. Topics include lifestyle, nutrition, fitness, self-help, sleep, meditation, spirituality and so much more. Tune in weekly to take your health to the next level!


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  1. It's also very sad when we have a guest displaying ignorance of the harmful impact bluetooth has in cerebral tissue and further ignorance of the inverse square law as it applies to power from a point source. i'm ottawa here.

  2. It seems so obvious it is a lack of energy in the brain that is required to do the housekeeping/cleaning by the glial cells. Not only ATP but NAD. Read the work of Dr Derrick Lonsdale and Dr Chandler Marrs – Thiamine Defficiency Disease, Dysautonomia and High Calorie Malnutrition. Modern society is deficient in Thiamine due to our carb ladden diet and stress. Carbs/sugar can not be converted to ATP without thiamine, much more is required than the RDA of 1.4mg, stress increases the need for more B1 also. ATP is required to make NAD, NAD naturally declines with age, when that happens inflammation increases ie. CD38 increases and a vicious cycle is created, more inflammation uses more energy. It is a vicious cycle of lack of energy from nutrient deficiencies driven from diet and aging. Theraputic doses of B1 ie. 1g a day and more in deficiency states together with NAD precursors such as NMN or NR(B3)l go a long way in helping people remain independant and mentally able to function. . We all know it is easier to prevent than to treat a disease but that is not the way our medical system works. There is no money in supplements for research, ie. David Sinclair and his work into aging and the role of surtins which require various flavanoids and supplements in order to operate these vital enzymes in the cell. Thats why the FDA & David's company wanted to ban the sale of NMN and turn it into a drug, it cost a fortune to do the research. But so far they haven't been able to ban it. Aging in a large part is just the body consuming it self, it needs greater nutrition, which we don't get from our food and our compromised digestion/absorption as we age, in order to reduce the period of decrepidation.

  3. Alzheimer's can be cured. Anyone with this issue should watch the videos of DR. SARA BRIDGEPORT who cured her 83 year old father of Alzheimer's by giving him coconut oil…a medium chain carbohydrate. Now she has written books and treated other patients with this method.

    The explanation of how and why it worked is similar to what the doctor says on this video. It starts with defining Alzheimer as DIABETES of the brain where neurons starve to death because they can no longer metabolize sugar. The solution was to give the brain an alternative energy source of energy from medium chain carbohydrates…like COCONUT OIL.

    It all makes excellent sense. Check it out.

  4. we can still vote RFK Jr if you want to fix the food, pharma system. if RFK Jr is on your ballot, vote for him. if RFK jr is not on your ballot, vote for Trump as he's more aligned with RFK Jr on better, safer food/pharma than the dems are.

  5. It seems that it's more complicated than just fructose because people who eat a fair amount of fruit but a zero processed food diet don't seem to get Alzheimer's at the same rate. Vascular blood flow as it relates to atherosclerosis and the fats people are eating also contribute to Alzheimer's. I highly agree that diabetes is related and eating liquid sugar from processed sources that's high in fructose is very problematic. But we have to look at that in the context of the whole diet and lifestyle.

  6. No diet will prevent disease if you don't get outside, in the morning, for full-spectrum sunlight.
    Junk light is worse than junk food. Yes, we should eat real food (local and seasonal), but light is fundamental, and blue-light screens after sunset are killing us.

  7. Cholesterol is not evil!! It’s essential for mental health and mental wellbeing. It’s not anything that complicated. Avoid everything processed. Avoid all sugar including the fruit and vegetables that contain the same thing. I choose a carnivore diet with tiny amounts of berries once in a while. The improvements in my life are incredible.

  8. Are you familiar with the sleep research that Dr. Matthew Walker has done? The majority of his research has centered around the importance of getting adequate sleep during a person's lifetime. Dr. Walker became interested in sleep research and how sleep deprivation is linked with dementia and/or Alzheimer's Disease. I've read his book Why We Sleep: Unlocking the Power of Sleep and Dreams.

  9. We removed all fructose (other than that in fresh fruit) from the family diet several years ago, and use only pure glucose for culinary sweetening. Is Dr Johnson suggesting that that is sufficient to prevent Alzheimers?

  10. I have been on a keto diet for 12years. Fasting 2 days per week, certainly helps with clarity of thought. I understand that it has been known as the 3rd type of diabetes for years. Plus I also understand that there are other conditions with metabolic pathways.

  11. I watched a clip, there is a treatment method that can reverse Alzheimer's & Parkinson,
    it is simple, non-invasive and inexpensive, it is call red-light therapy,
    search in YT with the above words, you should find it.

  12. This idea is old. I heard this a long time ago 1900s BUT no one wants to give up their sugar!!!!! SO WHAT IS THE POINT?
    Another thing, there are some cohorts that rarely get Alzheimer's. BUT OH NO, they live a healthy life style.
    It will always be a disease of the western life style. For inactive people, Fructose is a slow nerve poison. Old old old.

  13. What about alzheimer's link to probiotics and prebiotics? As in gut health link to alzheimer's but yes i agree with what the doctor has said to reduce them carbs sugars in short go low carb on the "bad" carbs

  14. Definitely a metabolic disease that is essentially insulin resistance in the brain, Type 3 Diabetes

    Low Carb + Creatine Monohydrate (ATP) + Organic Apple Cider Vinegar (reduces blood sugar spikes) + MCT Oil/Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil (Ketones)

  15. Thank you so much for this info! My family has a history of altimeters and dementia. I eat a lot of surgar. I had no idea I was hurting myself. Thank you so much for helping me!! I'm going to cut out surgar and carbs and learn Keto recipes. Thank you!! ❤❤❤

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