
Massive Discovery: Sagittarius A* Had a Shocking Collision that Shaped Our Galaxy’s Center

Discover the exciting new research suggesting Sagittarius A*, the Milky Way’s supermassive black hole, formed from a colossal merger of two black holes billions of years ago. Learn how this finding changes our understanding of galactic evolution and the future of black hole research. Stay curious and explore the mysteries of the cosmos.

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  1. Thanks to stars that are orbiting in the opposite direction of other stars in the Milky Way, it isn't hard to imagine that the Milky Way gobbled up a few, which caused Sagittarius A* to grow more. In a few billion years, the same will happen when Andromeda collides with our galaxy.

  2. Earth sprite walker I'm your creator god do you realize I saved you and prove it from another life time within the same era we have hyrogleths to prove it. The civilization of earth will turn on you without the Bible in mind you and your sister are both my eye balls non sarcastically

  3. What about faa webcam today ,huge planets next to earth red striped 1/3 of sky is covered yep ,I am sure nasa and everyone else knows, to big to hide with chemtrails now,closer then the moon tomorrow east morning faa webcam see the pictures for yourself ,chemtrails are not just weather mid it's concealing planetary system god tells us about in Bible wormwood maybe who knows, we'll you guys we got look and search

  4. Such research is a complete waste of time and money. Tell me how it is going to put beans on my plate. We need to focus on solving problems here on the earth that directly effect everyone and not on things we can not change or alter

  5. Earth sprite walker those celebrities prevent shadow thieves of enemies you realize that right. This nigga and his ancestors had every war lords in human history in his grave yards for how many moons!? But more importantly am i as a condor fairy angel being accused of time traveling to bless my ancestors shoulders by killing Hitler myself that's ridiculous!!! Every celebrity with the American government to counter act the french and Russian and Sweden earth sprite walker you know what

  6. Everybody knows that! When black holes collide and merge with other ⚫ black holes from galactic collisions, or other galaxies, the black holes becomes bigger and larger from devouring other planets, stars, and even neutron stars over hundreds of millions of years since the Big Bang.

  7. In astro physics research and statistic terms it is practically guaranteed there was mergers for all super massive black holes. No other way for supermassive black holes to have grown fast enough than to have had mergers.

  8. Considering that black holes are more to be considered regions of collapsed space-time rather than objects, it's still puzzling me the fact they can revolve around eachother and merge. Cannot put my finger on it, but it's really odd even mathematically. Rather, what would happen to the theoretical "bouncing" within, when taken in account, it makes all even weirder. I feel like we're still missing a piece of the puzzle.

  9. ELE Event theyre hiding Micro Novae scenario (Velikovsky and Einstein) Magnetic Reversal has begun already Adam and Eve (Dr Chan Thomas) CIA used it to create they're report's from??? 😮😮😮😮😮😮

  10. Ck the SE sky??? M-87 & Sagitari A live on cam 😮😮😮 Omicrons are Novas/Stars/Suns/Black Holes??? Omicron Sagitari Omicron Cygni??? Also DemiGods??? Let's quit with the BS, 2020 a Variant Star within Ophinici (Ophiuchus Constellation the 13th zodiac sign announced by NASA year's ago???) Began blasting Gamma Ray Bursts??? 😮😮😮 Covid??? Stay inside??? Omicron Caronovae Borealis Carona Borealis Constellation??? C-19s are asteroids and comets discovered in the 1900s. C-1999 Berosiiv C-1999 UK C-1996 Didymos Didymorphos C-1985 OR2 C-2019 Atlas??? C-2019??? Go Look Instagram darryljohnson26 FB Darryl Lynn Johnson Ride the Wind Channel YT. What you'll see is undefinably massive…

  11. The theory of ufG as waves is intriguing and to me counter intuitive to the idea that ufG is an "attraction" force (ufGa). To me, it speaks of ufG as a pressure force (ufGp). BY looking at ufG as the foundational cosmit ether that eluded Einstein, and reversing it's characteristic from an attractor to a pressure force with varying densities and properties like a superfluid, ufGp solves LOT of modern problems in physics.

    1. It explains why matter exists, and
    2. Why matter is expressed at all when it seems to be tiny knots of energy quanta interacting in mainly empty space, making our material world more of an ethereal hologram at the sub-atomic QM level.
    3. The ufGp view also eliminated the ugly bad Einstein SRT and GRT mathematics that lead to false notions like space time theology.

    4. It returns space to its natural 3D space.

    5. It eliminates the ludicrous hypothesis that T and C are interconnected manifestations of the same thing. T exists with or without sentient beings to deduce its existence as past, present and future. Motion in space while relative is simply body centric and every body in space has its own reference frame, and may be part of other more elaborate ufGp reference frames…

    Sub-atomic matter
    Atomic matter
    Aggregated matter
    Planets, moons, asteroids, us…
    Star system
    Galactic system
    Local cluster

    ufG is pervasive in 3D throughout. There is no more space where matter is dense. There is only varying degrees of dense. Suppose you take a space 1 million miles cubed and place it between our sun and Alpha Centaury 4.2 LY away. Here in our solar system, you could place the sun. In interstellar space there is mostly vacuum, only a few grains of dust or even atoms per the same 1 million miles cubed.

    Is there more space because the sun's box is near full? No! The boxes are exactly the same. The content, density and total kinetic energy of the two boxes is different. Time doesn't speed up just because one box is empty and the other heavily filled with matter. Einstein was very wrong and his math, attempting to define a 4D universe with a 2D spherical surface was just 🐂💩. T is not a dimension. It's a measure of change over an elapsed period of present beginning and present end.

    In any event, look at ufGp as an alternate to ufGa. Think of Newton's 🍏 being pushed to the ground by one pressure force that overcame a different measurable force, the covalent bonding force between stem and tree branch. The apple cell by being pushed, not pulled.

    None of Newton's observations fail in light of this theory. His mathematics of celestial mechanics still work. The theoretical Schwartzchild Radius beyond thae rn light cannot escape, still bends around massive objects, is still Newtonian and possible. E still essentially equals MC^2 and M Still E/C^2 in a Newtonian construct. But T does not dilate or change. Space does not exist simply because matter is there to light it up.

    Gravity waves are evidence the there are pressure variances between the peaks and valleys of ufG in motion. Matter condenses out of particular dense eddies and knots that occur as G-waves cross paths and the shock wave results in radial movement within the intersection of the waves. In a strictly QM model, the matter condenses out and you have another manifestation of the Photo Electric (duality of partial wave theory Einstein did get right) effect. Energy becomes matter in the eddies and knots. Motion is retained. Kinetic energy is preserved. From all that you get atoms, rocks, planets, stars a d galaxies as each sends out more and more ufGpW intersecting other ufGpW. 😮🤔

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