
LONG COVID by Vaccination Status | Review of Lancet Medical Journal publication

Review of paper published in the Lancet Medical Journal, looking at the incidence of LONG COVID reporting, by Vaccination status

Link to the full report:


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  1. Pipeline 101, everyone on the pipeline that was jabbed were put on the same crew all the unjabbed on another crew,funny how they unjabbed never tested positive but the jabbed crew was sick constantly and kept testing positive,tells you that the jabbed were the problem and the test showed it lol.this is what I call a life lesson,wake up sheeple,ps after it became apparent the oil companies even stopped testing the jabbed

  2. So long vax then. Including data from before the start of the trial of the experimental genetic protein replacement therapy drugs is disingenuous as everyone was unvaccinated and the strain was the most severe. Chop that data out and compare apples with apples categorising the unvaccinated correctly and the data isn't 'inconclusive'. It clearly shows that the vaccinated are suffering long covid far more often.
    This could be long vax, VAED, or both.

  3. Wonder if their genetics are different afterwards. If they are no longer technically human. Like how they make changes to plants. If they are not human anymore, crimes against them may be seen as less severe.

  4. Long Covid is not real. The multi-boosted vaccinated get these fake diagnoses because they want Covid and psychosomatically produce symptoms. 2020’s chaos and lockdowns gave a lot of losers a reason to feel important. They want that again.

  5. No jab, no job. It didn't matter on your medical background. WA state of course. People that are still where I used to work at have had strokes and worse. Get the population down to 500,000 WAS on the Georgia Guidestones, when they were still standing.

  6. My personal experience has been perfectly fine,thus far. I received the Pfizer double-shot and did not catch the Covid virus nor have I had any adverse side effects. Meanwhile,my two adult sons,their girlfriends and an aunt of theirs,who were staunchly anti-vaccination because of negative media hype,were all infected and my youngest son has long Covid symptoms,now. Of all of my friends,acquaintances and neighbors I only know of one individual who actually CAUGHT the Covid virus after receiving the vaccine and he had the single-dose J&J.

  7. YouTube: "Get the latest information from the CDC…"

    Me: And do the exact opposite.

    CDC is incompetent or bold-faced liars. Either way, not anyone from whom anyone should ever take any advice.

  8. two simple questions and i‘m open to hear answers:

    1. are there unvaccinated persons who still suffer from long covid after 3 years?

    2. is there one vaccine injured person out there, who got fully recovered from me/cfs symptoms?

    thank you.

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