
LIFE BEYOND: Visions of Alien Life. Full Documentary Remastered

4K download for uncompressed viewing experience: Are we alone?


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  1. the culmination of nearly 4 years of work. the life beyond series is dear to my heart and this is the definitive way to experience it. i've gone through and updated tons of visuals, added new ideas, and polished up the audio. a massive thank you to everyone who contributed to this series. i'm dropping a collection of awesome posters today at, check em' out! any questions for me??

  2. Is that really what is taught, that gravity took hold of the hydrogen clouds and spun them in to stars? If there was "only lumbering clouds of hydrogen." How did gravity form?

  3. Melodysheep, your video is a luminous tapestry woven from the threads of our dreams for the future. It's not just a video, it's a symphony of hope, a visual and auditory manifesto for the world we dare to dream of. You've captured the essence of what could be with such artistry that it feels like a glimpse into a future we all wish to inhabit. Thank you for this breathtaking journey through possibility!🌍

  4. One word to describe this episode: Mesmerizing. The visuals aren't stolen from other clips, they are original and look like 8k. The audio is out of this world. The details and explanations are simple to follow and understand yet super informative. You can tell the creators behind this are truly into the topics at hand. Recommend anyone to watch!

  5. I have one question. please correct me –
    we call it space-time, if space is expanding exponentially from Bigbang, why we are calculating time as linear component from the beginning?

  6. Holy cow ! This is for me one of those videos/art pieces that should absolutely be viewed by everyone (on this planet at least ;) ) because it's so good. And detaches you from the truly sometimes pitiful problems we burden ourselves, as people, as a civilisation. A great thanks for this absolute masterpiece to you man, and everyone involved in the project !

  7. Given the unimaginable and huge amount of possibilities out there, some art concepts of melodysheep could be really existing in reality.

    Thank you for showing me that melodysheep ❤ please never stop what you are doing! 😭❤️

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