
Let’s talk about grief

At various stages of our lives, we will lose someone very dear to us and we will grieve.

When someone close to you passes away, you may not have the opportunity to process your grief properly.

You may feel overwhelmed and unable to concentrate; you may have to push through your day as you go to work; you may even feel numb and empty.

There are different emotions associated with grief and different stages of grief which I will cover in a separate post.

It is true that people deal with grief differently. However, it can become problematic. We do not want it to completely take over our lives, but for some people that may just happen.

I am currently training to become a grief educator as I know that there are gaps worldwide in grief support. With my mediumship readings, grief educator skills and hypnotherapy, I want to serve people who are grieving. I want to raise awareness around grief support available. Pain is inevitable but suffering is optional and there are resources out there to meet you where you are on your grief journey.

Hypnotherapy can be very helpful in grief recovery. By undergoing hypnotherapy, you can give yourself the time to find calm and peace, allowing yourself to process your grief at a pace that’s right for you.

Hypnosis can help to overcome grief and loss, and help you reach the stage where the memories of your loved one can be enjoyed without the attached pain of missing them.

Hypnotherapy can help to create a state of deep relaxation and allow access to the subconscious mind. When you’re in the grieving process, it can help to teach your brain to focus on the positive love you shared, rather than on the sadness of your grief.

Want to talk? Book your 30 min complimentary discovery call with me today. Details on my website. Link below.

Take care all. ???????

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Book your FREE 30 minute Discovery Call here!

I can’t wait to talk with you and help you on your journey to become the best version of yourself!

As usual take care, stay safe and talk soon! ???


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