
Last Week in Collapse- Around the World in 60 minutes.

Last Week in Collapse- don’t think of this as bad news, think of this as education & enlightenment. The more enlightened you are, …


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  1. I've concluded that if people's lawns are green, cut and weed free then the world is fine. I believe that's what my neighbors think. My neighbors cut the grass often and short so by June the grass turns brown. I'd tell them but it's so fun to watch.

  2. soundscape ecologist Bernie Krause captured the chirps of birds, sounds of wildlife, and rushing creek water when he first started recording at California's Sugarloaf Ridge State Park back in 1993.

    Last April, however, his microphones revealed the park had gone silent.

    "I've got an hour of material with nothing, at the high point of spring. What's happening here is just a small indication of what's happening almost everywhere on an even larger scale," Krause told the news outlet.

  3. When I was a child I had apocalyptic dreams. Sometimes involving machinery of war and sometimes Godzilla. But when I woke up all was well. But now I wake up and the nightmare is real. It's still machinery of war, but Godzilla has been replaced by Donald Trump. Truly a living nightmare. 🙄

  4. Oh Wow! To live in such interesting times! Such a convergence of forces and history, like a broken record that repeats but grows monstrouly with each skip. Yet with all the news, with the apparent methods of omnicide growing, there are certain areas and concepts that are not mentioned. Beware the unleashing of the hidden and unspoken. So obvious, yet so unspeakable it will walk among us yet be denied.

  5. Thanks Sandy. I read this when it comes in on Sunday, but I don't click on anything. so thanks for the visuals. The avocado thing with the cartels has been going on for at least 20 years. It takes an avocado tree about 10 years before you get your first fruits.

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