
JW0061, the hair growth stimulant of the future. Will it work?


Other videos:

1. JW Pharmaceutical. Accessed September 12, 2024.
2. JW Pharmaceutical shows superiority of “JW0061” in hair growth over existing treatments in US Pharma Article – KBR. Accessed September 12, 2024.
3. Hagenaars SP, Hill WD, Harris SE, et al. Genetic prediction of male pattern baldness. PLoS Genet. 2017;13(2):e1006594. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1006594
4. Zhan T, Rindtorff N, Boutros M. Wnt signaling in cancer. Oncogene. 2017;36(11):1461-1473. doi:10.1038/onc.2016.304
5. Premanand A, Reena Rajkumari B. Androgen modulation of Wnt/β-catenin signaling in androgenetic alopecia. Arch Dermatol Res. 2018;310(5):391-399. doi:10.1007/s00403-018-1826-8
6. Chen X, Liu B, Li Y, et al. Dihydrotestosterone Regulates Hair Growth Through the Wnt/β-Catenin Pathway in C57BL/6 Mice and In Vitro Organ Culture. Front Pharmacol. 2020;10:1528. doi:10.3389/fphar.2019.01528
7. Yoo A, Park J, Kim G, et al. 573 Discovery of JW0061, a novel GFRA1 agonist, as a hair regeneration stimulant via WNT signaling activation in dermal papilla cells. J Invest Dermatol. 2024;144(8):S100. doi:10.1016/j.jid.2024.06.589


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  1. Hey Kevin, nearly a year ago (~9.5 months) I took your advice to start finasteride and minoxidil and my results have been decent, seeing most of my progress in the latter half of the past 2-3 months after waiting out a pretty lethal shed around my hairline.

    The time has come where I'm looking to secure more medication to move forward into my second year of treatment. Seeing a lot of hype on your channel and on reddit about 0.5mg dutasteride, I heavily considered making the switch as I tolerate finasteride very well and find myself greedy for more gains.

    Ultimately I have decided to go with generic proscar to be quartered for my second year because I want to see the final result that finasteride will give me, and its much cheaper than 1mg finasteride (1/3 the price in Canada). Maybe in my third year of treatment I will slowly introduce dutasteride into my regimen.

    To my understanding, YOU yourself do not use dutasteride to fight hairloss, and I'm very curious why that is if you could let me know. I feel like THE hairloss witcher himself would be the first to use such a strong well-known treatment, even if it is just once a week on top of finasteride.

    Also, I want to take this chance to thank you for everything you do for men suffering from hairloss. Words cannot express how grateful I am to have found your channel when I did. Through all the BS haters have put you through, I am so extremely glad to see you're still on YouTube helping thousands of men to come. You're the best!

  2. Hey Kevin, what do you think about all the guys on reddit claiming to have sides on Koshine kx826? There were no sides on all the trials but there are people all over reddit who claim they are experiencing sides. I think it is nocebo if you ask me.

  3. I actually want to personally thank you Kevin, I’m 20 and started taking fin and minoxidil and I’m a hyper responder whatever you call it, I’m also getting a hair transplant so hopefully it all goes well but it’s interesting fin actually did have bad hormonal effects on me and gave me some acne, temporary depression and anxiety and soreness in the nipple, that has now passed now my skin is very clear I also feel like I have higher test better mood probably from confidence in my hair and my nipple is better and better hair! I love finasteride now it’s actually a holy drug but the hormonal changes in the first couple months taking it are real.

  4. They've always had a cure- and look to stem cells. Don't hold your breath for it… I found a way to reverse my severe hair loss of over a decade naturally and teach men on my channel /@backtothebarber how to get their high school hair line back naturally, no matter the scale of loss…

  5. Kevin so far the only thing that beats 5ARis + minoxidil is essentially Male to Female nuclear regimens like they do on hairlosstalk, right ?
    None of the upcoming treatment like Pirilutamide, GT, hmi-115 and now this JW…stuff is likely to even be on par with the big 3.
    Am I getting it right ?

  6. Hey Kev if DHT is several times more androgenic than testosterone, doesn't stand to reason that the more you age, the more likely you are to experience sides, since T alone will increasingly struggle to sustain the necessary/ideal androgenic activity of the body and obviously T will go down throughout the years unless you hop on TRT? Speaking of which, are you on it?
    Thanks for always replying to me man

  7. Hey Kevin, I'm 19 and have been on oral finasteride for 1.5y and topical finasteride for the last 3 years. I've also been on Minoxidil (liquid) since I was 15.

    Initially I had good regrowth on Minoxidil, and adding topical finasteride also seemed to help. Unfortunately after a year or so my hair started getting worse again, and has continued to do so, losing a centimeter on each temple in the past year.

    My hair is also thinning all over – sides, back, and the top (which ironically seems a little bit more dense than the sides even). I'm at a loss of what to do. I've lost a lot of body hair/facial hair since I started finasteride so I'm assuming it is working, but even the minoxidil vellus hairs have vanished recently.

    Is it possible that mionxidil has just stopped working for me? My eyebrows have been getting thinner too. I've just hopped on 2.5mg oral minoxdil in a last ditch effort to hold on to my hair.

    Thanks for reading

  8. Hi Kevin, thanks for your great content ❤
    A quick question, im on fin 1 mg a day for the past 9 months and i see not improvent, in addition i have lost ground in my hairline during this period. Should i consider starting Dut? What dose you think?

  9. Do you feel bad for convincing young men to get on and them never having sexual function again? Or the severe cases of pfs where guys end their lives? Or do you not care?

  10. Hey choom, looking forward to the upcoming video! Also i saw another video that recently played in the cafe "Baldcafe" across the road, addressing some of the worst of the hair loss industry found on social media and wondered what Kevin would think of it. Have a good day!

  11. Kevin I wanted to ask. I'm 21 and I'm not going bold. I have noticed a little bit of a receding hairline though and I was wondering if it's okay to start finasteride now in order to maintain or am I too young and should wait a little bit? Thank you Kevin

  12. Hey kevin i am currently using RU as my only topical. I was thinking of compounding my Ru with 10% minoxidil and Tretinoin. Do you think that compounding RU with anothet active ingredient could alter its efficacy since its quite unstable ?

  13. i Will receive my first Hairtransplant in 2 Weeks, finasteride is already on my desk but the storries i read on the internet were so horrifying that i literally dont want to take it anymore…

    Man this just sucks…

  14. Is there any risk in regards to clogging of follicles/advanced miniaturization or whatever when leaving in hair styling products overnight? I know it's probably unfounded paranoid BS but figured I might as well check in with the hair witcher for good measure..

  15. Hey kevin,

    I recently went vegan and was thinking about switching to oral finasteride from oral dutasteride which i am currently taking. But then i thought to myself, wouldn't it be more ethical to take oral dutasteride, since at least it doesn't include rape and abduction by default compared to finasteride which has lactose as one of the ingredients if i remember correctly?

    Would appreciate you giving your take on this, unless you already have, which in that case you could provide a link to it.

  16. Redit000rs from tressless be like:
    Supraphysiological in vivo anal administration of human hormones and proteins from Corpus spongiosum of non balding peer will help to extend the anagen phase of hair follicles on the scalp and reduce the telogen phase! It works i tried it!☺😇

  17. Hey Kevin!
    I feel I already know the answer, but do you feel that there are any supplements that could benefit hair health/ strengthen hairline baby hairs? I was honestly lucky to get on Fin right away when I noticed hair loss however have one side of my temple that has a small, weird looking bald spot. Was hoping to try something, like maybe pumpkin seed oil supplement (yeah I know it kindve sounds ridiculous) or topical oils before using minoxidil. Just was curious on your opinion. Thank you in advance!

  18. Hi, Kevin! What do you think about the scheme of 1 mg of fin per day and 0.5 dut once every 2-3 days or even every day 0.5 duty together with 1 mg fin, does it make sense? Do they somehow synergize and give the best result? Or just 0.5 dut per day?

  19. I am using topical Minoxidil. As you talked about the safety of drugs… it came to mind, Minoxidil's effects on beta-catenin are not to be worried as they are localized to hair follicles unlike the uncontrolled beta-catenin activation that contributes to cancer? Am i right?in this respect, it seems better the topical vs the oral version, right? Thanks!❤

  20. Sup choom! I was on fin for 1.5 years before switching to dut about 5 months ago. I feel like my hair is thinner now (by quite a bit). I also have wayyy more baby hairs (not very thick ones) than before. I know this is probably a shed but I’m wondering how long it could be before I start to see an improvement?

  21. Hey Kevin being a diffuse thinner all over the scalp and having medium length hair I have to use oral minoxidil. If you had to use it would you recomend (besides being checked over by a doctor) taking low dose as possible so 2.5mg and titrating up slowly if needed over time?

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