
Joe Rogan Experience #2194 – Luis Elizondo

Luis “Lue” Elizondo is the former head of the Pentagon’s Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP), which …


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  1. It's really weird Rogan acts with wonder and awe at the story of the black disc and the torpedo recovery and diver, as if he's never heard it. He has. David Fravor heard the same story….and told it on Rogan's podcast. Wtf. So these guys are basically regurgitating stories they already heard and acting like they are new. Disappointing.

  2. Lue lost literally everything to disclose what he can, without breaking his NDAs and also brought his work home with him, to the great dislike of his family..he ended up living in a camper.I say God Bless this man!! Thank you for disclosing what he can while preserving his integrity, honor and loyalty to his country!!

  3. Luis and Dr. Greer, with Bob Lazar, David Grusch!!! Now that would be a show!!! could even add Jeremy Corbell, George knap, Bigelow and why not the guys from skinwalker ranch!!! bet that would be his best show to date!!! Joe are you listening???

  4. I saw that torpedo capture on YouTube a few months ago, but I can't seem to find it now on here. So it's going around. The size lou said isn't the same as it looks like about 50 feet wide, but it's the same as its torpedo retrieval and a dark shadow comes up underneath the guy who trying to hook up the torpedo

  5. The Bible says we are jars of clay. So when “aliens“ call us containers, all they’re doing is borrowing from what the Bible already said. Demons cannot create so they borrow and steal. There’s nothing new under the sun. Research the Bible, all of the answers are in there. God is the creator of all creation. We did not come from aliens. We came from God. We are not gods, we are humans. Not plants, not animals, we are humans. God created us in this image. Study the Bible for the truth.

  6. UFO was a sophisticated propaganda created by the US government to distract other national government & their intelligence to a thing which does not exist and the foreign government also played along to confuse the US too. The US government kept denying it for last 100 years (trying to apply reverse psychology, so that foreign governments waste resources in it ), now all of a sudden they are releasing classified military grade videos on this topic ! I am sure that this is definitely a BS from the US government (all these UFO videos are fake and these are paid actors deployed by the US government). The US government is just trying to re-ignite the issue to divert foreign nationals again. TO believe in UFO, I want a civilian video of UFO in broad daylight recorded by hundreds of peoples by their smart phones only.

  7. Documents from the 1940's and 50's! . Then our Government proceeds to destroy anyone through media and ridicule , that dared speak honestly . That's your Government , who do you think they really work for. Only reason it's spoken even this "freely" is the majority of the public doesn't believe them and isn't afraid to say so. They are trying to appear as trustworthy. If they were afraid this information was going to rip apart the fabric of our society . Then they should of encouraged one based in truth and reality , instead of brainwashing and worship.

  8. Death is an interesting subject. The human is in fact electrical signals. It has also been proven increased brain activity up until the moment of death. The mind of an earth worm was uploaded to a Lego robot and began performing actions on its own looking for food. Even technology today seems to replicate that of how we perform as human beings. I don’t mean AI. In fact, basic computing at the desktop level. Breakdown and compare exactly what a computer is doing internally and from an input output perspective. Take a look at Robert Monroe’s interviews with test subjects. It’s a bit “woo” I must admit but broken down seems to make sense. Interesting things indeed.

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