
JD Vance blames ‘illegal aliens’ for fraud problems in Social

Sen. JD Vance (R-Ohio) joins ‘Squawk Box’ to discuss the current economic budget and its deficit, immigration’s impact on the economy, and much more.


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  1. We have more to give and they have more to offer. Christian talk and blame other is weak. Christian talk and no action is evil.
    Immigrants bring new workers to this country. Taxes are needing to be collected appropriately and used responsibly.
    Quote from a Republican President: "Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed.This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children. "

  2. Mic drop for JD.

    Oh and hey btw Becky,.. thatignorant comment you injected the other day when some guest said property taxes were an unrealized capital gains tax,.. where you said,.. "not they're not they pay for schools, roads,.."

    You're wrong lefty,…. when the local country appraisal district raises your property evaluation each year by 25% and inflation is supposedly 3 to 4%,.. and the local governments have balanced budgets… those 20% annual increases in property taxes ARE unrealized capital gains.

    You may not have heard but there is an investigation and law suits starting to investigate the local appraisal districts for this insanity all over the US.

  3. So where is the money coming from this housing 11 million illegals paying for their food paying for their health care paying for their education….. And you wonder why there's a housing shortage and you wonder why inflation is through the roof….

  4. Anyone who is willing to allow so many illegals into the US is a trator to every legal residence of the US. Especially when yhey are receiving more in benefits than the average Americans! I've and many others have lived in the US our entire lives and nevr has the government given us $25,000 in tax cut or $150,000 like California for illegals only to benefit for housing.

  5. ROFL The Medicare Fraud is only caused by Republican party supporting greedy Doctors and Doctors Groups. Republicans are against socialism but when it comes to government spending they think it is free money for their business and personal pockets.

  6. The answer simple lines all security remove the 168k cap on taxes! Everyone should pay social security tax on every dollar you make even if you're a billionaire! The populations growing older and within 10-20 years will be nothing left if you don't do something so this makes the rich pay their fair share! This is something obvious as bernie sanders even says. MSNBC SHOULD BE ALL FOR THIS STUFF! AMERICA FIRST

  7. Majority of the crimes in this country are created by Americans, not immigrants. Jd is married to an immigrant, so is Trump. Vance admitted he made up the story about Haitians. This is just old fashioned southern strategy . Scare the racists enough that rhey will vote for Trump.

  8. Bold party spend spend spend spend just because you may spend less doesn't mean you're doing it correctly. Also of republicans can't voters on 100% block and as long as it continues the democrats will have control no matter what the republicans do

  9. Eating dogs and cats? Happens all the time in southeast asia when you bring them over to america by the boat load you're going to have problems! If i were you america i'd be glad it's not cannibals yet at least you don't know about it! America First you gonna be a third world country in the next decade

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