
Japan Releases These FULLY FUNCTIONING Female Robots

Japan Releases Fully Functioning Robots. For decades, the idea of humanoid robots has danced in the minds of scientists, …


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  1. These robots are going to take away the gateway jobs for kids who are trying to get out of these start jobs like fast food restaurants that aren't careers for most people, but as this step towards an actual teacher in a career is gonna be replaced by these. There needs to be a way that person who is going to be on job. Shadowing can be with these is the only acceptable way that they can't help. Our children have a fruitful life. Four years to come

  2. Japan looks to be the only country waging a war against Mental Health decline and it appears they are innovating along the way. Fighting Mental Illness should be a collective effort for the world as a whole. Instead of spearheading the conflict against mental illness, the United States only appears to be profiting from the Madness.

  3. We should not be honoring Frankenstein's monster but putting it to the torch and charging their creators with crimes against humanity 😡does no one remember the movies and TV shows this never ends well especially for humanity 😱 food for thought these machines are only as good as the people that are programming them question becomes what kind of people are they🤔

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