
James Webb’s Latest Discovery Could Literally Change the Entire Cosmology!

Since the summer of 2022, science is no longer dealing with “any” new discoveries or galaxies, researchers worldwide are experiencing a crisis like never before. James Webb’s latest discovery could literally change the entire cosmology! The theoretical physicist and Nobel Prize winner David Gross puts it in a nutshell. Science is not experiencing a scientific problem here, but a tangible crisis that will overturn everything.


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  1. The concept of a single point (in what?) suddenly existing and then "something" happened to cause everything to burst into existence has always seemed a bit of a fairytale to me because time and space are codependent. We have the Hubble Telescope and now the JWST is showing us objects that Hubble could not, a future device may show us more but at some time/point even light will loose all of it's energy.

  2. The Hubble constant can’t be wrong, it’s what it is measured to be at the time and with the Methods and accuracy available. It’s like saying the size of your dick is wrong, it’s what you find out to be

  3. Within the last 4 years the Realisation and finally comprehended, evolutionist and big bang theorist are consistently blinded by their ignorance when attacking or dis-crediting God's 7-day creation. Big bang advocates measuring the vastness of the multi-universe and space, calculating the vast distances of space capture by our latest advance 10-billion-dollar web telescope, searching further galaxies to find the end of everything, complete emptiness voidness blackness nothing.

    Only to discover there is more and more innumerable galaxies waiting to be discovered. Not realising their research in the distance between our earth and the limits of the furthest galaxies we can measure to date is adding only confirming the wasteness and greatness of God's 7th day Creation. What they and we don't realise: God's has no limitation, no restrictions in His creation in depth vastness of imagination.

    We conclude the impossibilities of space and universe and time because of the distance and numbers theorise contradict 7-day cycle of Creation. We forget when discovering new stars or universes, we calculate the age of the universe or star judging by the speed of light, when we should realise speed of light only measure the distances and wasteness of God… Not time! They are looking from the wrong objective, using light to interpret time machine because of the vast impossibilities…

    See it from God's Eye: all this data today Web space telescope: those impossible distances calculation by the speed of light, good for calculating distance that all it good for (not for calculating time but distances). Take for instance a football field 100 meters length, every 10 meters are candles marked 10 meters, we’re assuming its candle is a measurement of age and time we calculate by such distances, when God’s states He created the whole football field in one day.

    God's 7-day Creation confirms the vast distances of space impossible vastness, all Created and done, on that day by His Word, Spoke stary heavens into existences. We create more problem for ourselves in trying to measure the Creator work and to reason, that the God of the Bible is impossible so therefore a limited God make sense to our limited calculation and bewildered understanding of Almighty God Impossibilities.

  4. The topography of the universe over time and how it changes nothing but our perceptions of time and distance.
    If the dark matter was in its liquid state then baryonic and dark matter would have been much more concentrated. This would have resulted in deeper gravity wells. The time in these gravity wells to us would seem to be moving slower to us. But due to dark matter condensing the baryonic matter would also have been cooled and rushing together.

    Once stars were formed and black holes became active the ratio of liquid to gaseous dark matter would have decreased over time thus affecting the evolution of particle masses. And making the gravity wells progressively shallower and larger in diameter over time. Galaxy clusters would have evaporated almost all of their liquid dark matter resulting in the shallowest part of the gravity well being near the canter of the cluster. Also part of redshift is due to the difference depth of the average gravity well at that point in time compared to now. The slope of that line would also have decreased over time. As vaporized dark matter spread further from the gravity wells the slope there would have increased (dark energy).

    Light red shifts as it climbs out of a gravity well. Thus the further you go back in time the more light is redshifted. This would leave everything the same with the exception of our perception that the universe is expanding. Also if a big portion of the redshift is from climbing out of a deeper gravity well then we are not looking as far into the past as we think.

  5. Another, and to agree with you on in, the "Big Bang?" In so many ways, it cannot truly be proven. We say space is a vacuum, that will never be proven regards to blaming the "big bang." There are just so many other possibilities. They labeled it before we had microwaves. Now we have JWST telling a whole different story..

  6. My thoughts, many years ago, was that the universe is steady-state, and there was no big bang.

    And for me, everything I've heard since then only re-enforces the idea of a steady-state universe.

    Perhaps someday others will reach the same conclusion.

  7. The crisis is brought about by people being unable to discriminate between fact and imagination.
    There is nothing wrong with imagination, it is a good thing, but treating imagination as fact before it has been proven is foolish.

  8. Demorou milhares de anos de observações para termos uma teoria de gravitação, a de Newton. Precisamos agora de ter paciência, quantidade de dados é astronómica(literalmente) e são muitas coisas a ter em conta.

    Mas, mesmo sendo tudo mais complicado, também há mais pessoas a trabalhar nestes problemas e temos os computadores e IA para nos ajudar.

    JWST cumpriu os objetivos, trazer ao nosso conhecimento coisas que até então não sabíamos.

  9. Physicist Kristian Birkeland was the first man to describe the aurora borealis as being the result of the Sun’s interaction with Earth’s magnetism in the form of charged particles. I.E. electromagnetic currents (now) known as Birkeland currents. Some 50 years after the likes of Lord Kelvin (Royal Society), had declared in 1892 that there was no relationship between sunspots and geomagnetism in opposition to Birkeland’s discovery, in 1967, a United States Navy space probe finally recorded observations of the said electromagnetic interactions, confirming Birkeland’s theories. Yet most scientists still don’t seem to know this to this day. You might say, this was the beginning of the Electric (plasma) Universe Theory, which every James Webb telescope observation thus far confirms. So why you say there is no alternate theory is interesting to me. Perhaps the crisis you describe is that for many, the idea of being wrong is an impossible pill to swallow.

  10. About God and the Multiverse Hypothesis: A New Perspective on Cosmic Origins.
    The formation of a galaxy is a complex process that can take billions of years. Recent observations by the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) have revealed the existence of galaxies dating back to a mere 300-400 million years after the Big Bang. This discovery challenges our traditional understanding of cosmic chronology, as these galaxies would have existed prior to the hypothesized event that created our universe.
    One possible explanation for this phenomenon is the existence of a multiverse—a collection of multiple universes, each with its own unique physical laws. Our universe would then be merely a part of this larger cosmic tapestry. This multiverse hypothesis suggests that the universe is not a static entity but rather a dynamic system undergoing constant evolution and transformation.
    If the multiverse is indeed the ultimate reality, it would fundamentally alter our conception of divinity. Instead of a personal, anthropomorphic deity, the multiverse could be seen as a cosmic force, impersonal and indifferent to the affairs of individual beings. This perspective challenges the traditional monotheistic belief in a God who intervenes in human affairs and rewards or punishes individuals based on their behavior.
    Rather than focusing on the afterlife or the fear of divine judgment, we might find greater fulfillment in embracing the present moment and living our lives to the fullest. The realization that our existence is part of a vast and interconnected cosmic tapestry can inspire a sense of awe and wonder, freeing us from the limitations of parochial concerns and encouraging us to explore the mysteries of the universe with curiosity and open-mindedness.

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