
“It Could Have Paid My Hospital Bill” #curious

Placental tissue is incredibly valuable in the field of stem cell research and regenerative medicine due to its rich source of stem cells, which have the potential to differentiate into various types of cells in the body. The placenta, which nourishes and supports the fetus during pregnancy, contains both hematopoietic stem cells (which can develop into blood cells) and mesenchymal stem cells (which can differentiate into bone, cartilage, and muscle cells).

These stem cells are particularly useful in research because they are more adaptable and have fewer ethical concerns associated with their use compared to embryonic stem cells. Researchers can use placental stem cells to study disease mechanisms, test new drugs, and explore treatments for a wide range of conditions, including blood disorders, immune system diseases, and neurological conditions.

In the realm of regenerative medicine, placental tissue holds promise for growing organs or repairing damaged tissues. The stem cells derived from the placenta can potentially be used to create bioengineered tissues or organs, offering hope for patients with organ failure or severe injuries. This research is still in its early stages, but the ability to grow organs from placental stem cells could one day revolutionize transplantation, reducing the reliance on donor organs and eliminating issues of immune rejection.

#women #mothers


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  1. What I don't understand is who decided that selling your own placenta is illegal yet we can sell our eggs. It's bonkers. I understand not wanting to encourage people to harm themselves to profit such as selling internal organs, since a doctor would have to do the removal of something healthy, thereby causing harm… But placentas are supposed to come out. Just feels wrong as a lot of people have already said.

  2. Nah bro im not donating anything for you to sell , not after being charged to hold my own damn baby after birthing the placemt your looking to sell for 50k. Pay me or it goes in the incinerator.

    Ps its not a shortage, when you say shortage your are refering to the traumatic early deaths of organs donors as a product you need more of. Nobody is owed additional organs. You got the ones you were owed too bad if they sucked.

  3. If this was the case it would be brilliant if mothers were able to sell it for money to help with their new baby. But I can’t help but feel if it ever became sellable hospitals would try to find a way to legally claim them for the profit. Unintentionally making others want to avoid going to a hospital when they have their kid, causing more potential risk.

  4. Why do women have higher rates of Alzheimer's and dementia? Ever increasing with the number of children she has had?… Ever heard of pregnancy brain?.. we were made to eat the placenta for a reason. Probably the same reason that animals in the wild don't have the same issues statistically as humans do. Eat it. Replenish what pregnancy has taken from you.

  5. If you go through the right companies that can legally handle organs & make a deal with the company outright, would it still be black market selling? It can be arranged to be picked up immediately after the birth. I'd even undercut the hospital price by asking for $40,000-45,000 so the company would be more enticed.

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