
Is NASA About To Announce Alien Life?

Are we FINALLY on the brink of alien life? Join us… and find out! Subscribe: In this video, …


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  1. the alien would treat different human species differently , they would probably be disgusted by east asians southeast asians , and yes they would attack .if you are not open minded enough to accept this possibility , don't even talk about alien

  2. UTTER BOLLOCKS/N.A.S.A. work for these INTER-DIMENSIONAL PARASITES….the 'alien' greys are also inter-dimensional parasites….they are the 'spirit ' remains of the CHILDREN OF THE FALLEN WATCHERS….the giants/nephilim/monsters/therianthropes/human and animal mimics….

    they have been here since the beginning….they are on cave paintings….

    I have had UNWANTED encounters with mainly the greys/shadowbeings/reptiles since 1969-70….from the age of 6….

  3. Aliens are 100% real will they disclose this no theres your answer they have gotten close to the subject as they want admitting there are craft unexplainable..I know they are here ive seen these ufos the last 2 years day and night and have over a thousand pictures of them no way all are from here some but mostly not.

  4. Mars's planet Titan Akamendus just has announcement , quote, "no more red planet in our Solar system and all rust and dust from it ( Mars ) is going to end on planet Earth" ! Aliens don't exist in Solar system. The closest alien life is on M6 star known as evil twin of Sun star, then Proxima Centauri B exoplanet , Luyten star exoplanets , Barnard's Star, etc.. The alien population including planet Earth in our Milky way is 450 quadrillion on cube powered by 23, a lot , impossible, to count alive beings in our galaxy, by long lived Titans. In NASA 30 % of workers are aliens, hardly that they will announce alien life very soon !

  5. There is nothing new in any of this, do you remember when President Clinton announced sometime in the 90's that possible microbial life from Mars had been discovered? Turned out to be horseshit, I won't be holding my breath !!

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