Solar Energy


Ever wondered why we can’t make an electric car that’s fully powered by solar panels to provide an unlimited range? This video is …


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  1. Well, I looked into the carbon fiber suggestion that people have made, and I found you could build the whole thing for about three grand, well, plus about a grand for shipping, sounds like the way to go ;>)

  2. And after filming He was admitted to ER for having Sun stroke and sun burns 🤣. (I'm joking here but it is a strong possibilty).
    That system is a good system but unreliable you'll be exhuasted from heat because you can't operate any effective cooling system and you will be a slave to the sun because if it gets cloudy you lose power.

  3. Sometimes when people say it isn't gonna work they are right. Moped wheels and tires are cheap have better longer range tires without aggressive off-road tread. In reality the trailer is was heavier than it needs to be and you could get away with thin road bike tires. Your biggest limit is aerodynamics. You ain't even coming close to efficient until you get a shell and symmetrical airfoils on everything. Carbon fiber ain't that hard but you probably should go with aluminum. You probably need to upgrade that welder to do so

  4. Perhaps you could raise the solar panels above the frame of the trailer, making them into a kind of 'roof' to give you some useful cargo space beneath them? You might not be able to carry anything heavy, but it might make the vehicle a bit more useful?

    It might even be interesting to test carrying different loads, to see how they impact the performance of the vehicle?

  5. This has real world value. Narrower for a bike. A 6-8 inch high box would allow a tilt open from the back camper with massive cargo volume (and solve tire shading). And tilt to charge more at edge of day. Your motor power should be more than the solar power so that you can keep the battery charged at 80% or so while riding so as to take advantage of regen braking.

    Another design for more solar and cargo would be an A frame solar trailer. Independent Tilting actuators would provide cargo access to both sides, horizontal provides an awning when sitting in trailer, and rapid charging when parked. Doubles the solar per length of trailer. Should be wind stable with windward downforce from side winds.

    In terms of errors you made. The tires provide shadow that kills production at edge of day. Wood will trap some heat in the panels and cause them to degrade, though your design does have a high amount of back ventilation, and may be fine.

    Whether bike or car towed, these trailers have real world applications as mobile power. They should be parked outside and ideally have batteries on board. Can be used as workshop or job site shed.

  6. Only one thing left to do! In the Svalbard archipelago, Norway's crown of islands in the High Arctic, the sun can be seen for 24 hours a day from late April to late August. Let's take this car on an around the clock road trip! If you average 50KPH you can travel 1200 kilometers per day! On nothing but solar panels. It must be a world record for all electric if you can make it happen!

  7. Love the concept! I see a super nice application, travelling with it a couple of days, as you would in a touring bike trip.

    Apart from changing those tyres and improving the aerodynamics, I strongly suggest you to put a roof over the driver to protect him from heat and sun. Maybe another solar panel? :)

    I hope to see a future video of you doing a trip for several days.

    Good job!!

  8. At 5:05 of this video, you buy a complete electric bike for around $300 to get the 2 wheels from it, to prevent buying 2 wheels only for $300 each that = $600! That's called "price gouging".

  9. As an engineer, BRAVO! That said, there's a LOT you could do to improve without spending a lot. First, drag is your biggest enemy. Having an open air design like this is lighter, but your body/torso is creating drag. You're not going really fast enough where you're losing a ton of momentum from this, but every bit helps. I would suggest a cheap plastic, lightweight sheet to act as a foil from the front of the vehicle to above your head, with better aerodynamics. You can also utilize this to mount even more solar cells, even if they're smaller ones connected…every surface that can have solar cells should have. Second, the trailer is a good idea, however the four wheels are just creating even more drag/friction to fight against and you have a lot of weight in the frame for holding the cells. The cells themselves weigh very little and again, you're moving at very slow speeds relative to most vehicles. Ditch the trailer, and instead create a very lightweight tubing frame above you and mount the extra panels. Move the ones behind the seat slightly back (think cybertruck shape). The extra weight will be much, much less of a trailer and without the friction of extra wheels. Additionally, it will provide you some shade as a bonus.

  10. very cool build. I think at some point the cheaper ebikes will get away from the loud energy wasteful fat tires once people get over not looking as "cool" anymore.

  11. I don't know much about it but is there room for improvement for solar panels? They should be more efficient by each generation right? Or is there a limit of how much sun rays it can harvest? Or the battery capacity is the problem?

  12. What about increasing the batery capacity, when you generate more power than you consume, wouldnt it increase its range, or add one separate batery that would be used only when the sun is already out.

    + Maybe some kind of dynamo to regenerate power from wheels when going down the hill or something.

  13. In order for it to have infinite range, you'd need to not only consistently generate more than you output during the day, you'd need to have enough battery capacity for the car to drive continuously on only battery power for the entire night (probably 10-14 hours without sufficient sunlight to charge depending on time of year and latitude and weather). Youd also need enough excess power to charge these batteries to full quickly enough to do so while driving during daylight hours.

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