
Impossible Archaeological Discoveries: There May Have Been More Than One Prehistoric Era

For hundreds of years, archaeologists have been unearthing prehistoric skeletons that simply do not conform to the theory of evolution. Such exceptions are often glossed over as presenting no more than a mere chronological inconvenience. However, they deserve far more attention than simply being cast aside or ignored. They could change everything we thought we knew about our dark and mysterious past.

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  1. To answer your concluding question:
    It would've been quite a change, if a culture declaring, that their continent was getting too hot, decided to melt the continental shelf below them to pull their lands to cooler (more southern) regions…

  2. 23:23 I mean — yes? Technically snails and frogs are lifestock… but are they in modern language?
    p.s.: Why is the only reference to "troglodytes of Santa Maria canyon" from "Timeless Earth", which, although inspiring, is fiction? "The lost world of Mu", "Greeks in America" and "The heirs of Atlantis" are neat topics, but they're on a level of scientific evidence as "The lost jewish tribe in America"…

  3. Quite funny how so many "established scientists" insist on theories that aren't even theirs — it's not your fault, if you been taught incorrectly. If you look back into history, can you point out any scientific theory that stood the test of time?

    Newton's are still too young (in comparison to aether theories or ancient greek theory of vision)

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