
Hyundai-backed Supernal Spells Out Its Plans For eVTOL Air Taxi Services – FutureFlight

The backing of the Korean automotive giant Hyundai is boosting its advanced air mobility subsidiary Supernal as it prepares to start flight testing a full-scale technology demonstrator version of the four-passenger S-A2 eVTOL aircraft. AIN took a closer look at the design during the Farnborough Air Show.

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  2. It's a beautiful EVTOL. There are challenges with these type of flip flop rotors also they have lower reliability due to the mechanism. IMHO it's better to keep some props fixed up and one fixed in thrust like conventional NASA model

  3. Impressive the pusher idea should achieve a better forward speed in airplane mode
    so if I understand correctly 4- passengers means no pilot on board. ?
    Good looking design looks like comfortable size .
    Wishing them best of luck and success.

  4. Why Do Astronauts Float in Space?
    This is the Secret
    And the high-speed Space Station
    Artificial Gravity is what is being sought and is very valuable

    Something that is far in space beyond the magnetic reach of the Earth then that something NO LONGER has Density, instead it floats around aimlessly until it is again in the magnetic area of ​​a celestial body that has a Magnetic Bar, then it will fall in that direction; This practically happens because all celestial bodies drift through an orbit at extraordinary SPEED.
    Astronauts and other objects in various Apollo rockets sent to the moon in 1969 proved all this information, and these objects and astronautes seemed to be floating in the space of the rocket.

    So actually the Magnetic Bar stretching from north to south is what causes attraction (gravity), and every concrete object has a Falling Motion or Specific Gravity (Density).

    Every concrete object consists of an arrangement of atoms and emptiness. These atoms have particles that also have a magnetic bar in their mass. The magnetic bar on the atom is what ATTRACTS EACH OTHER to the MAGNETICBAR on Earth. The denser the object is with the arrangement of its atoms, the greater the DENSITY or the greater the falling motion.

    The difference in atomic density is what differentiates the specific gravity or density of each concrete object.
    As a result, a mass that does not have a magnetic bar stretching from north to south does not attract or be pulled, and only two masses that each have a magnetic bar attract each other with a force that is proportional to the distance between them and the magnetic attraction value of each.

  5. How to fly without wings
    AntiGravity Air Taxi

    Work base on Gravity just spinning by using Battery
    can fly in bad weather, plunge in the ocean even in outer space
    Can lift more than 100 Ton

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