
Huge New Findings About Doom’s Graphics

Epic goodies from the new id vault. Doom + Doom II: …


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  1. I'm sure the breakdancing spiderdemon took you WAY too long. Had the same idea when I saw the sprite just before :) Great video as always, and pretty exciting news!

  2. I love your videos. It's really interesting, to see and hear about all these behind the scenes stuff, for a game i played as a kid in the 90's. Back then i never gave a thought about all the hard work, and "hacks" they had to do, to even make everything in the game function as intended. Keep up the good work!

  3. This was a very interesting video as always. I'm very excited to play DOOM + DOOM II on Steam whenever I get the time to.
    I still have yet to play DOOM 3, 64, and 2016, so I'll have to add this to the list.
    I'm currently planning on playing DOOM 3 for the first time this October seeing as it's a horror game.

  4. Dude this was awesome! I personally love doom 1993 and I love to play new maps and see some cool new stuff!!

    But I have to say that this video was rather short, or should i say too short.

    I would love a part 2 of this video where you cover other stuff that you left

    Anyways thanks alot decino!❤❤

  5. Really cool, I would have assumed most of this stuff would be lost to time.
    I'm sure id probably knew their game would be era defining but it's still hard to believe they'd think people would be geeking out over unused sprites 30+ years later… probably some extreme luck involved in this stuff not being lost.

  6. Always been fascinated with Doom's sprites (and similar games like Duke Nukem 3D). Always wondered how they thought of the monster designs and weapon designs. I know the plasma rifle and shotgun were based on toys. The monsters were done with clay before sprite. The artist was Adrian Carmack? He doesn't get enough attention for the artwork he did. Sadly the focus is all on John Carmack and John Romero.
    The Doom cover art always left me with lots of questions. The Doom 1 cover art… one of the Baron's has a weapon attached to its arm? Also Doomguy has black gloves on it and in game his gloves are tan. Gotta wonder why.
    Also Doom 2 cover art. His crazy zigzag haircut. I once got my hair cut like that in real life… haha nobody knew what it was from :(

  7. Do you considered E2M4 to be one of the most atmospheric original level in Doom? When I first played Doom I always a bit freaked out by those walls with the weird gargoyle face or something.

  8. With this update I now even replay it again since I was having orig and I get it for free, enjoy it a lot like back in old days (right now on Evilution), sad that it's not support Brutal doom mod and same kidna of mods, but this is fine, for game who 30 years old and get new weapons with new episode and monsters already best update ever.

  9. I straight up played Doom I and II as an adult male in my mid 30s after not having played these games since 1995. It was surprisingly just as fun and challenging. The soundtrack is phenomenal. So much better than any of the remakes floating around. Doom was my childhood, what I did after playing outside or doing my homework. The 90s were dope.

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