Solar Energy

how to make your own solar energy panel | solar enegry guide diagram

get your copy here:
It’s simple:
Get the blueprints today… and put them to the test. See how easy it is to make your own electricity with the Solar Safe. Watch as your power meter slows down the moment you plug your system in. And see what it’s like to slash your power bill by 50%… 75% or more… by the end of the month.

You have 60 days to decide whether this was a good investment or not. And if you’re less than thrilled with how much you’re saving on electricity, as I said, just write me a short email at the address you’ll find in the Members Area. I’ll give you an immediate refund – NO Questions Asked.

Not a day goes by that we don’t receive another threat letter in our inbox. Big Energy is desperately trying to shut us down… and we don’t know for how long we can keep this website going.

Not only that, but a month ago, two solar panel and car battery industry executives have paid us a visit at home.

They’re so afraid they’re losing you as a customer… that they’re using every trick in the book to prevent this technological innovation from reaching you.

Because, instead of paying thousands of dollars on regular solar panel arrays and massive power bills… you could save that money and spend it on more important things!

And just imagine how your life will be just two months after starting up the Solar Safe. And even better, if you scaled it correctly… That negative balance on your power bill I mentioned earlier… It’s finally here…

Because you found a way to cut it by 68% or more, overnight, every month… for the rest of your life, just by keeping the Solar Safe on.
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And month of the month, you get the same relaxed feeling from not owing anyone a red cent. You’re finally free and independent… no longer trapped inside a “legal monopoly” that’s holding you at gunpoint.

The Solar Safe is about something bigger and more important than money. It’s about regaining your freedom – and making a stand.

Right now, you`re at a crossroads that`s going to improve not just your bank account but your happiness, your security and safety of your family for years to come.

The way I see it, three paths lie ahead of you:
The first thing is do what most people do: take no action, do nothing. And hope that nothing bad will happen.

Let this video end, leave this website, and feel like you`re having a heart attack every time you open up your monthly bill.

Keep acting like a “power Nazi” around the house, constantly worrying about every last watt of power…

Keep sweating your way through the summers and freezing your way through the winters all because you want to save a few bucks.

Keep contributing to the PROBLEM… gobbling up our natural resources and keeping us addicted to foreign sources of electricity.

And keep dreaming that FEMA and the Government will be there to save you when SHTF. They weren’t there for Andy and his son… And they weren’t there for me…
make your own solar energy | solar enegry diagram
Of course, there’s a second path – and that is, to take what you`ve learned today and try to “figure out” your own system for creating off grid power for your home.
how to make your own solar energy panel | solar enegry guide diagram
Honestly? You can try this. But would you rather reinvent the wheel every time you leave the house, or would you rather just climb into your car and get where you`re going?

It took me a lot of time, effort, energy and work to put together the Solar Safe, to test it and to make sure that even “non-technical” folks like my brother could follow it and use it…

And it’s WAY too easy to mess this up (and spend a lot of money) while you`re experimenting… Buy the wrong kind of cell or batteries… forget something… and you`ll end up with a really fancy lawn ornament that does not generate a single watt.

But if you really want to be self sufficient… and not at the mercy of BIG Electric, then you should seriously consider path #3:

Let ME take all the risk for you. Do what over 43,741 Patriots have already done, grab your copy of the Solar Safe see how fun it is to start making your own electricity for you and your family in shockingly little time. And with my generous 60-Day-Guarantee, you literally have nothing to lose!

Just click the yellow “Order Now” button that you see below.

You`ll be brought right to our secure order page and will be able to grab your copy of the Solar Safe, and all the bonuses, at a whopping discount right away.

So you need to act fast if you don’t want to miss out on the opportunity of a lifetime!

We don’t know if or when Big Energy shuts us down. It could happen in a month, or it could happen tomorrow.

The bottom line is, you need to get in fast – while you can – to get your hands on this incredible technology.


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