
How Microplastics And EDCs Are Killing Us | Holistic Motion 75

Microplastics and Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs) are invading our bodies and environment at alarming levels, causing severe health risks, from fertility issues to chronic diseases. In this episode of Holistic Motion, we dive deep into the pervasive presence of plastics in our lives and explore how to minimize exposure to these toxic substances.

Plastics aren’t just in the obvious places like packaging or bottles—they’re in our blood, organs, food, water, clothing, and even in our medicine. These “forever chemicals,” produced in petrochemical plants, are infiltrating every aspect of life, posing a serious threat to our health and future generations. From plummeting sperm counts to possible contributions to gender dysphoria, the impact of microplastics and EDCs is catastrophic and nearly impossible to avoid.

So, what can we do to protect ourselves? The video covers practical steps to reduce exposure to plastics and EDCs, such as choosing organic cotton clothing, switching to glass containers, avoiding plastic bottles, and opting for natural fibers in your wardrobe. We also discuss detox methods like sweating in the gym or sauna, and the importance of supporting regenerative farming practices.

The science is clear: Microplastics and EDCs are disrupting our hormones and reproductive health, with studies showing significant damage to male fertility, shrinking AGDs (anogenital distances), and causing DNA fragmentation in sperm. These harmful effects are not just isolated to men; women are also affected, with evidence pointing to decreased ovarian reserve and reproductive capacity.

We explore how microplastics enter our bodies through ingestion, inhalation, and skin absorption. From the food we eat, the water we drink, to the clothes we wear, the threat is omnipresent. The video highlights shocking studies, including findings of microplastics in human tissues and the alarming amount of plastic particles in bottled and tap water.

The environmental impact is equally dire. Plastic mulch used in agriculture is contaminating our soil, and the relentless production of plastics is leading to an unimaginable amount of microplastic particulates in the air, water, and even rain. This widespread contamination affects wildlife, with research showing that cities near petrochemical plants have higher levels of genital malformations and fertility issues.

But it’s not just an environmental crisis—this is a personal health emergency. The potential link between EDCs and gender identity development is discussed, backed by studies indicating that phthalates might be contributing to feminization in males. The impact of these chemicals is complex, crossing anatomical, social, and political boundaries.

As we discuss the implications of these findings, we also provide actionable tips for detoxifying your life. From eliminating plastic utensils and cookware to investing in air purifiers and sourcing your food from trusted, regenerative farms, every small step counts. The video also touches on how some communities, like the Amish, naturally avoid these toxins and maintain high fertility rates, suggesting that a return to simpler, more natural living could be key to overcoming these challenges.

Lastly, the video addresses the grim reality that our overreliance on plastic is driving us toward an uncertain future. With evidence of plastics causing endocrine disruptions, fertility declines, and even gender imbalances, it’s clear that this issue must be tackled head-on. Whether through individual choices or collective action, we must start reducing our exposure to these harmful substances now, before it’s too late.

Microplastics, Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals, EDCs, plastic exposure, fertility issues, sperm count, detox, natural living, regenerative farming, holistic health, environmental crisis, plastic in food, water contamination, organic cotton clothing, petrochemical plants, hormone disruption, gender identity, phthalates, BPA, plastic pollution, toxic chemicals

0:00 Intro
2:21 What The Study Says
5:13 How Does Plastic Get Into Us?
8:14 Garbage Feeding/ Regenerative Agriculture
11:16 Microplastics And Plants
16:07 Microplastics And Water
18:47 Clothing, Can you Absorb Plastic Through Your Skin?
24:20 MY Preferred Clothing Solution
26:52 Inhaling Microplastic
30:25 Microplastics And Male Fertility
37:02 Microplastics And Children
40:26 Microplastics And Women
42:14 The Government KNEW About This
48:48 Male Birthrate Dropping
50:26 Microplastics And Gender Dysphoria
55:28 How To Detox Microplastics


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  1. The same people are complaining about the low birth rate globally but won't take into account how polluted the world is. As well as making the conditions unbearable to afford kids.

    Idk if reduction would actually improve your quality of life

  2. Well, that was the most disturbing video I’ve seen in a long time.

    Great, great job, bro! This was way deeper than I expected, just like you mentioned a while back. More people need to know about this and take it seriously.

  3. Too many notes to add to the description, so here you go

    MANY sources (primary referenced study)

    Disappearing Male

    Rogan Episode

    Dr Shanna Swan Skool

    “” more recent

    Shanna Swan MW

    Saladino Clip

    BPA timeline

    More BPA stuff

    Plants absorbing MPs and NPS

    Broad concerns of microplastics in humans Lifetime accumulation and Irreversible levels of accumulation (is there any reversal/detoxing method or just minimize exposure?) Being at the top of the food chain is causing issues related to bioaccumulation


    Circulatory issues

    Fertility (broad infertility data) Semen Concentration 1980s semen levels 2021 Semen Levels Theories on why fertility has dropped

    — Microplastics impact on fertility Rats Mice Mice (wrong link)Phthalate esters seem to cause a more significant problem than other MPs DNA damage to sperm that causes damage to reproductive organs, male offspring are disproportionately impacted by this (The disappearing male doc talk about this over a decade ago DNA fragmentation in sperm as it relates to fertility DFI is much higher in infertile patients Despite normal semen analysis, males with recurrent partner miscarriages had much higher levels of DFI than those without DFI appears to be causal in miscarriages (greater than 27% seems causal) DFI is caused by many things, but main factors are exposure to toxic substances and age Rat data on NPs proportionally extrapolated onto human — dire. Show the math for how this specifically maps onto humans and our exposure Problems appear to be inherited in a similar fashion to degeneracy of pottenger's cats (research this more) transgenerational issues in a similar fashion to degeneracy of pottenger's cats (research this more) Decreased ovarian reserves and increased ovarian fibrosis from oxidative stress in rats After exposure to PS-MPs, the serum levels of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH), and testosterone (T) in male mice decreased, and the estradiol level increased, while the changes in serum FSH and T levels in female mice were reversed MP cause energy that would otherwise be put toward reproductive health to instead by focused on coping with the environmental stressor causing issues with fertility showing human equivalent doses based on animal reproductive issues (CLIP 1) DEHP in medical supplies

    Plastic releases hormone like chemicals (get notes)

    In many Tissues and fluids Found in Feces, Is this from digestion or are we capable of expelling it from our system given the right kinds of aides?

    Found in the air In cities (higher concentrations in CHILDREN — why?) In house dust

    Found in Water Tap water and bottles water (drink fresh spring water) How much plastic is in the water,these%20plastic%20fragments%20were%20nanoplastics. Plastic From Bottles

    MP and your gut Possible lifetime exposure model

    Found nearly everywhere on the globe

    Microplastics and cognitive impairment Animals/ Neurotoxicity

    Cellular Toxicity

    Oxidative stress Carboxylated PSMPs induced oxidative stress to oyster sperm resulting in lack of fertilization in oocytes

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