
HOW IT’S MADE: Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups | Captain Discovery

Ever wondered how Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups are made? Join Captain Discovery as we take a behind-the-scenes look at the …


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  1. If you like these and want a healthy alternative head over to Trader Joe's or a Health Food Store and get real organic chocolate bar, then a jar of 100% natural peanut butter that has only peanuts and salt in the ingredients. In your home blender, add the chocolate, some real cane sugar organic cheap from Costco, then some of the peanut butter and blend into a mixture that you can enjoy a spoonful off as a treat or snack without weird additives. You could also add real vanilla to boost the flavor!

  2. Adding GMO veggie oil made from rape seeds, adds cardio toxic trans fats, and with this kind of processing and peanut oil present, there is no rational sane reason to add it, except that BVO enhances shelf life even though its widely known to have toxic effects when BVO consumed. How many industrial heat acid pressure stages does rape seed go through to become veggie oil. This is the same reason I stopped buying Nutella, as the original recipe was just hazelnuts, coco and sugar, but then some greedy deranged sicko changed the recipe after the creator died, to include refined industrial seed oil thats basically trans fats or just as unhealthy

  3. Everyone blames big tobacco & big alcohol business, coal power, smog from tail pipes, industrial emissions for public health problems
    Soda pop, candy, deserts and novelty items widely purchased and consumed in excess as UPF made of GMO this with strange artificial ingredients
    These UPF items are causing a public health debacle of obesity, diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, ADD, ADHD & excess sugar fuels cancer progression
    Who is the real killer, the snack & cereal and candy industry slanging sugar with 60 different names + synthetic chemical additives, not even real candy like olden days when candy was made with a few pure real food ingredients, not artificial and synthetic substances designed to maximize profit by increasing shelf life. Ever wonder about peanut allergies, they are because the GMO peanuts are grown in ground soaked in Roundup the herbicide that is very unhealthy to consume and soaks into the GMO peanuts – thats why peanut allergies are on the rise, people are allergic to the GMO peanuts soaked in roundup= thanks Monsanto

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