
How does Boston Dynamics’ new Atlas robot work? | What’s unique about the Atlas humanoid robot?

Join us as we delve into the fascinating journey of Atlas, the iconic robot from Boston Dynamics. From its high-profile shutdown to the surprise announcement of an all-new model, we uncover the secrets behind these groundbreaking changes. Discover how the new Atlas surpasses its predecessor with cutting-edge technology, including battery power and electric actuators, and its planned roles in future industries.

This video is a must-watch for fans of robotics, artificial intelligence, and technology. With exclusive insights and analysis, we explore the technical brilliance behind Atlas, its transformation, and what this means for the future of humanoid robots.

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🤖 What’s Inside:

A detailed timeline of Atlas’s development and its impact on robotics.
Insights into the new Atlas’s capabilities and design innovations.
Predictions for how Atlas will integrate into industrial applications with Hyundai.
Discussion on the potential of humanoid robots in our daily lives.
A deep dive into the engineering breakthroughs that give Atlas its exceptional agility and strength.
Examination of the new control algorithms and AI features that make the new Atlas a significant advancement over its predecessor.
Reflections on the broader implications of robotics advancements for industries and societies.
👀 Behind the Scenes:

Exclusive footage showcasing the Atlas in action, demonstrating its parkour skills and new functionalities.
Interviews with the engineers and designers at Boston Dynamics who reveal the challenges and triumphs in evolving Atlas.
A look at the failed experiments and successes that paved the way for the new Atlas design.
Analysis of the strategic shift in Boston Dynamics’ approach to robotics, moving from research prototypes to commercially viable products.
🛠️ Technical Deep Dive:

Detailed breakdown of the new Atlas’s advanced sensory systems and how they contribute to its unprecedented coordination and balance.
Exploration of the transition from hydraulic to electric actuation systems and the impact on the robot’s performance and maintenance.
Insight into the collaborative efforts between Boston Dynamics and Hyundai to refine Atlas for practical industrial applications.
🌐 Future Visions:

Speculations on the future roles Atlas could play in various sectors, from healthcare to disaster response.
Discussion on the ethical and societal impacts of integrating such advanced robots into everyday life.
Predictions on how robotics will evolve over the next decade, influenced by innovations like Atlas.
🔗 Stay Connected:
Don’t forget to check out the links in the description for more on Atlas and other Boston Dynamics creations. Engage with us in the comments to share your thoughts and subscribe for more updates on the latest in high-tech and robotics.

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  1. I just saw a video of one of the "spot" creations with a GOD#$^$&#BLE$##&SED FLAME THROWER MOUNTED ON ITS BACK. And some stupid news commentator said "it might be real handy for clearing our sidewalks and driveways of snow"" !!!! I shouldnt act surprised, this is common in todays cornfed,braindead, majority,. Have we learned nothing from the infected blankets or, the trail of tears?? We are doing this to our selves! And very few seem to give a damn!! We are now in a resurgence of measles because some bunch of idiots forgot what it was like before good science fought to bring us effective medicine. Now because of someones greed or ignorance we are fallin down a staircase that took decades to build, and crawl up,out of a basement of darkness,ignorance and out right idiocy. I'm sad to say it, but we are bringing All this upon ourselves, with little regard for anything but someones profit and greed. Im going to go fix the robots that cant fix themselves,, just to hurry this process along. At least Ill be busy, to the last daze.

  2. 5:17 see that rail above the tesla robot ? Also note theres zero head bob.. its cause its literally suspended from that rail by its head, they photo shopped out the cable. Elon musk is a clown

  3. I'm a craftsman, and luthier.Im completing an engineering degree in Mechatronix. I've never had any fear of any tech, we've ever come up with, other than pistols And thermonuclear devices. I just saw a flame thrower mounted on one they call 'spot', more jackal than dog. Somebody had better get a handle on this situation. Most folks find this interesting, or amusing. I'm not paranoid or delusional, but if nobody else sees this,,, I certainly hope I'm not in the minority of observers,but if AI gets hooked into these from the word go,right off the starting line, we, as a singular specie, have sewn the seeds of our own undoing, and most just think it's another toy, like a locomotive, or aircraft carrier. Really neat until it come crashing through a living room, or town, or whole seaport. Who's making the calls on at least some sort of monitoring, or restraint.
    I can assure All of you,if profit, or dividends, or ROI, is the sole motivation, we, Humanity have finally screwed the pooch. And we have done it to ourselves in the interest of someone else's bottom line. For their Profit at all of our expense. Call me weird, crazy, or delusional paranoid,I don't care,marked these words, without great restraints, and very careful monitoring, we have already done Humanity the most grave and insidiously terminal deeds yet to be cooked up in any lab, anywhere.

  4. There are 8 billion people on the planet yet people are still working on how to put them out of a job they don't have. Perhaps work on a project to help the humans who put their lives on the line and paid dearly, help them live real lives not wheelchari lives.

  5. This robot should be done with his performance for his crafters. Now that his experience is concluded the memory is saved for further robot technology. Added to their own! Just like the borg

  6. What do I associate it with? The Exorcist. If I get one of THESE instead of an Optimus, I'll name it Linda Blair…😬🤮
    But if this can be made price-competitive (under $30K) there might be a REAL race to the market. A great motivator, but Oppy is cuter…

  7. Just remember this robot technology can mean only one thing, mass unemployment for the world, it needs to be stopped now before it’s too late, mankind is very very stupid!

  8. so…..how does it work……all old news…just going over the same info…if you want to get my future interest please really get the title right and tell me something i dont know ….da

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