
How College Helped Me Become A Millionaire


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  1. Women want men at their levels or higher. A fast way to quickly level the playing field is saying “I’ve graduated college too” … a simple way to get them the STFU.

    I understand most men don’t believe college is for them. But knowledge is power & it will manifest in other areas of your life.

    Delayed gratification, discipline, seeing a project to completion, academic analytical skills, critical thinking, enhanced vocabulary/vernacular, logic & scientific reasoning

    Those skills will definitely help you separate yourself from any competitor

  2. I 💯 agree. Besides academics, like you mentioned going to universities can give you higher earning potential, increase your job opportunities, really help with networking, develop your memory capacity, and give you that discipline and research ability that you can mostly obtain doing routine assignments.

  3. The people who graduate college and make significantly more money than average will also likely be more financially literate/disciplined, have a wealthier background, more ambitious, less violent, etc. I’d bet a lot of money that it is much more correlation than causation. Nearly all of the coursework is online for free, tutors are widely available, and you can attend many lectures and events for free. Even inside of STEM it may not be worth it unless you’re in the military or have scholarships. In most places you can still hang out and study with everyone you know at campus too.

  4. Two points:

    1) interpersonal social skills you get from college are very under appreciated. It will make you much more comfortable in those circles, and those circles are the people who make the most money in this country.

    2) I would argue that you apply business management in almost every video you make. Just think about how you're going about your brand. Those are all marketing principles. And your SMV? The equivalent to that in the business context is market capitalization value.

    I'm a believer in college as long as you go with some sense of purpose.

  5. Think about what you said. 1. i don't use my degree a lot (this is probably an understatement). 2. learn how to research and find information, time management and hitting deadlines, interpersonal and social skills. you don't need a degree, 4 years and a bunch of debt to learn this basic things.

  6. College is not necessary per se, the work ethics, the environment and the connections are. College will teach you about discipline even though it's not really that necessary to go nowadays.


    So good to hear someone like you say what is conventionally considered taboo but College is freakin important man. Anyone who says it's not does not understand how important education is and for those that make it without a degree are literally 0.000000000001% of the population.

  8. I don't disagree with bro, but honestly, if I had a 17 year old son and he asked me what to do with his life, id tell him to go get a trade and get really good at it. There's so much demand for young blood willing to do those jobs. Everyone that age is tryna be an Instagram influencer. There's literally no competition. If you're 25 and you've been doing plumbing or carpentry for 6 years already you're so valuable.

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