
History Fix Episode 78: Childbirth

The bloody history of childbirth is riddled with death and despair. It’s a burden carried almost entirely by women, behind closed …


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  1. I am so glad that I live in a country where you get a maternity nurse in your home for a week, sometimes longer if necessary, who checks the baby and mother every day, helps with breast feeding, teaches you to take care of a baby and does house chores if there is time.
    And you can call yoir midwife up to 6 weeks if you have questions or concerns.
    I was glad to have been giving birth in this day and age in a hospital. I needed an emergency c-section my oldest would not have survived if I lived before c-sections were possible.

  2. Very interesting! And I am sorry you had such a shitty nurse!
    When I had my first one he had to stay longer in hospital and they tried to send me home without him because didn't have enough room for me.

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