
Government Breaks Silence: Strange Encounters | UFO's

In 2015 Navy pilots report having strange encounters with UFOs that have no wings, no cockpit, no exhaust, but somehow can fly …


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  1. If the government can't chase an object and can't explain it then there's no point explaining the unexplainable. Just worry about Russia, North Korea and China.

  2. There is only one explanation: they are US miltech. That's how they test the tech against the best conventional hardware available. That's why there has been no accident.. That's why there's a cover up. That's why trillions of $s are missing. That's why anti gravity inventors are bought off or taken out. Leave it be.

  3. might actually be spiritual entities without any kind of intention as we understand it. Like Ghosts, but less human – Not so scary once you realise that seeing them doesnt really chance anything.
    i think we should leave them alone and not try to interact. but human curiosity will keep trying still. interesting times to be alive ^^

  4. Fascinating. Truly fascinating.

    There’s a rule among the so called ‘Illuminati’ and real world leaders – you have to tell the truth about everything in one way or another.

    The first to bring hard-to-accept facts to light are often silenced or called crazy. But the thing about truth, however, is that it is a divinely unstoppable force. You can try to slow it down, hide it or to suppress it in other ways, but it will always find its way to light somehow.

    That said, in easy-to-digest terms, I’ll say this: I think it’s incredibly close-minded of humans to think that we are the only form of life in the universe.

  5. The truth is that a great many of us know what they are, so this is disinformation. Many abductees who have direct experience can tell you but they just refuse to bring these direct observers on camera, so now who lacks credibility?

  6. There may be one or two craft, but id imagine if these civilisations are many thousands of years ahead ahead of us then i dont think they would crash like we humans do. Another thing, we are in the early stages of creating intelligent robots, well these civilisations will be way ahead of us. They may already be half and half. Thats if they have gone down the road we are going. Maybe they are way beyond our comprehension. They maybe along side us, behind an unseen curtain, just like a stealth aircraft, but thousands of years ahead, which can be seen or unseen at will.

  7. I wonder how many people who said that they had seen UFO's were put in asylums, after all, back in the 50's women with depression were institutionalised, people who had a stutter could also be institutionalised, it didn't require much, some times the family would just drive up and leave them at the door and leave.

    You need to wonder how much religion and the Vatican how to do with the denial of alien existents, it would go against the bible teaching,.. just saying.

  8. The government is building ufo like crafts, people see them, government denies it and starting to spread UFO conspiracy theories (starting with Roswell), people believe it, government shares UFO documents to manifest the believe. People believe in UFO's now and not in crazy stealth aircraft…

  9. So what is going to be done now because it's obvious that we were feed with fake hearings with two guys speaking in riddles and then honest testimony from the pilots that had video then nothing more. Are we going to just let it go because they "took it serious" for a second🤔
    If anyone out there has the power, these people need to be pushed to tell us the truth.
    How is this not a national security problem? A world problem?

  10. How long do you suppose it's going to be until idiots try to down one and their ACTIONS are considered hostile WHICH sparks a war with something more advanced then OURSELVES ??

  11. Just curious…Why is it that in each photograph or video the shape of the object is unique? And there is never any concrete conclusion. Nothing is ever resolved, nothing ever conclusive. We are always just left hanging. Dangling on a thin thread that someday there will be a conclusive answer. I am neither a believer nor denier. Just open to whatever may come.

  12. Government: It's not real

    UFOlogists: We know it is and we're not stopping until you tell us the truth
    Government: That IS the truth

    UFOlogists: Then what's in Area 51
    Government: Classified aircraft development, like we did with the F-117, and we told you it was a UFO to keep the soviets off

    UFOlogists: Don't believe it. Show it to us.
    Government: It's classified. How do we know you don't have spies?

    UFOlogists: We don't. Now show us.
    Government: No, It's classified. Too risky

    UFOlogists: So it's real?

  13. The naval aviators testimony is the most compelling. They really are the best pilots and know what they see. Tic-Tacs!

    IMO the government knows the deal and is slowly getting the public use to the idea of aliens, before the big reveal. 20 years maybe?

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