

This video is a review of the empirical data that concludes we have been wrong about personality pathology when it comes to the etiology or cause of personality disorders. It is most often assumed that early childhood trauma or adversity in childhood is the main cause of the development of personality disorders. However, contrary to popular belief, research in neuroscience, neurobiology, family, twin, and adoption studies, behavioral genetics, and neuroimaging findings, have challenged and discredited the myth that personality disorders are caused by childhood adversity and trauma. Research now shows that personality disorders are highly heritable, and the environmental influence on these genetically predisposed disorders has nothing to do with family upbringing or parenting style, surprisingly. At this point in time, trauma and abuse in childhood, based on the hard data, is no more than a nonessential risk factor when it comes to personality disorders.


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  1. I'm sorry, but 60 minutes of appealing to authority and grandizing yourself seem to you like something useful to let put in the world?

    How about you use your common sense with me for a moment,

    1. Differentiating between genetics and early attachment trauma is possible by testing people who where adopted at birth. If you got to something like that after spending 30 minutes patting yourself on your back then I'm sorry. I'm wrong.

    2. Why does it matter? And why did you not understand in your elaborate resume that it's not yes and no type of question but spectrums?

    3. If it matters because you want show them those narcissistic bastards, then you should probably use some therapy for codependents. I myself also trigger cluster B's beacuse I haven't integrated my own inner asshole. And they are "the big projection screen" for me just like I'm for them

  2. ❤️ vs X.
    Love looks like two Nobel swines, X is two people grabbing each other simultaneously by the balls.

    Codependence –
    A sophisticated mixture of grabbing the "sanity balls"
    & grabbing the
    "competence balls"

    Each one of us has both the swine & the ball grabber in them.

    For anyone suffering from chronic shame, the ones who rage and the ones who freeze,
    The goal is to take risks and try again and again to attach swine style and less ball grabbing styles.

  3. Sorry you have to protect yourself from those self style experts out there. You were the first therapist I found who truly helped me and understood what I was going through. I had been through four therapists and I was circling the drain. I can’t thank you enough for your perspective, passion and dedication to your work.

  4. Peter, if I find out you have kids I'm going to laugh for six months..that would mean you raised them like sh*t and your narcissim has stepped in to create an illusion you aren't responsible for how they turn out. I sure hope you are childless otherwise :P too funny dude.

  5. We always knew it was partically genetic, but any attemp to claim our parents/environment had nothing to do with it is laughable. My childhood friends who were bullied in school both have severe avoidance fear disoders somewhere in cluster-c probably. And my friends with dads who beat us are all psychopathic animals…two became cops fired for abuse, myself arrest 30+ times in 54 years, two dead from being in gangs. My friends with good sweet normal loving parents got married, had kids, no disorder or mental health issues.The entire USA is chock full of violence on a daily basis…psychopathy is everywhere..explain.

  6. I think your field of work is just beginning to understand why we behave the way we do. I think normal behaviour and personality disorders are all genetic and you must feel frustrated as to why people cannot understand this when there is more and more evidence to prove that behaviour is genetic. I am no scholar but it seems to me very obvious that behaviour is based on genes. We inherit everything from genes, that includes the wiring of our brains. Hang in there with your message to enlighten people who are misinformed for you are a visionary ahead of your time. People will eventually know your research and work to be extremely insightful and helpful and your book, which I agree with everything you’ve written, will become extremely significant to lay people and professionals alike.

  7. Thank you for sharing your research. I was in a relationship that caused me to believe differently than what my conventional therapists were telling me 30 years ago. I feel seen and heard when listening to your videos.

  8. Exactly! The issue is that psychopathy/narcissism/etc.. research were largely based on what the most notorious criminals reported, but these individuals are often the biggest liars. Therefore, we cannot fully trust their accounts. Unfortunately, much of what is taught in schools about those people is based on these studies, which is not accurate or reliable. This highlights the urgent need for a review and update of the educational material on this topic.

  9. Dr. Salerno, if personality disorders are genetic (which I believe) why does one family member—often the scapegoat—not develop a personality disorder? Why does it seem to skip that person? Is there an explanation for this? The scapegoat is usually the most traumatized but, miraculously, the most empathetic of them all.

    What makes two people with the same trauma background so different? Thank you.

  10. Thank you for sharing this. I e played this over and over again, just because there’s so much information. I’m definitely going to get your book to learn more. Thanks again for sharing.

  11. I’m so thankful for your knowledge and your book! I have always thought as a victim of a pathological husband, and learning about these disorders on my own (because honestly, I think all of us had to learn and figure out ourselves what was happening,as trying to explain it to someone who hasn’t an experienced it, or a mental health professional who does not have any understanding of how diabolical these people truly are, are clueless) that trauma wasn’t the problem! I have ran across a few other mental health providers online recently who have also expressed your same viewpoints. I hope that other mental health professionals get on board with this theory so that victims can be saved. When I look back on what I have been through, it sounds unbelievable to describe it to someone, lunacy even. If it wasn’t for me researching and coming across knowledgeable people, I would have never known what was wrong with him, now I have learned so much. I never knew that people like this existed, and I don’t think those who haven’t experienced it can understand. I hope this makes sense my phone kept freezing up for some reason but thank you for your dedication and thank you for your book

  12. So – do you think that therapists are resistant to the idea that perhaps they can’t be treated?? Is this why there still seems to be predominant opinions in the public that it’s (PD) childhood trauma?? Do you have any opinions on what a solution is , particularly for the cluster B people?? I have been bullied/abused by this type – by a variety of cluster B – they do so much damage to people who aren’t having these problems. What are we going to do as a society??

  13. That's actually what convinced my therapist is I gave them an opportunity to listen to a recording I made of how he talked to me. She still believes it's based on his trauma but recommended that I keep myself safe from his anger. I still feel victim blamed for codependency but working on that is the only way to recover from a trauma bond, so I will take it.

  14. Thank you for this and clarifying some of the current misconceptions in the public consciousness.

    I believe I was a victim of Cluster B abuse.

    What do you believe a victim of PD abuse should tell a therapist so that they get effective treatment?

    Ie: is it necessary for the therapist to know that the abuse was performed by a BPD or an NPD?

    Or would the therapist just need to know that someone was subjected to sustained psychological abuse through gas lighting, reactive abuse, etc.

    Thank you for your work.

  15. Having read his new book and having read everything I could over the last 5 years, finally here is a learned Dr, who has written extensively with a level of professional curiosity and research and most importantly allowed the EVIDENCE to lead the way forward. Knowledge, research and wisdom are clearly his main tools which he has used to build on previous understanding and question where necessary to develop our understanding and knowledge. Having read his book it has finally clicked and where previously accepted views just didn't add up, he has filled the gaps. I urge you to read the book, cross reference his data. The key to the lock opens and an "OH MY GOD, YES THIS MAKES SENSE MOMENT" filled my questioning mind.
    Truly a big thank Dr Salerno.
    Kind regards,

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