

Hi everyone! in today’s video I am sharing a week in my life as a mom of 3/family of 5 living on a single, humble income, and what …


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  1. Hey Ashley! Enjoyed your week in the life and tips for one income. Your husband found some great finds! I'm sorry to hear about your Sunday morning struggles.I want to leave you a bit of encouragement. As a mom I can relate and as a fellow Christian I can relate. The enemy is always present to fight against what is good. We have to keep fighting and pressing foward dear friend ❤️. God sees every effort we make and it is pleasing to him 😊. Hope you have a blessed day! 🙏

  2. Yummy pizza!! I make my own too, much healthier right? I love how you can get creative when you are on a budget..
    The haul is awesome! What a blessing.. dont know if you mentioned it but do you have to pay a little for the foodbank or is it all free? If so, again what a blessing.
    Have a great week!

  3. Wow that is an amazing deal your husband got all that for under $12!? And a tote bag at such a great price. My purses handles are literally falling apart and it’s a backpack purse, hopefully they can hang on a little longer.
    Great food bank haul you got this week 😊

  4. I’ve been making pizza a lot too because I’m burnt out on finding recipes. I’m making pizza this week and a skillet chocolate chip cookie to go for dessert! I’ve been trying to use what we have too because I feel so guilty when we waste.

  5. Wow. Your pizza looks delicious! Loved the food bank haul. I really need to do something different for Raylie's room. I may do that over the weekend. Actually just remembered it's going to be hot. I will get in there soon. 😂😂

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