
Finding out if the Sequel is BETTER | First Time Watching ALIENS

Everyone tells me Aliens is better than Alien so today we find out if it’s true. My review for this James Cameron follow up. Join this …


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  1. I just wanted to say a HUGE thank you to everyone that showed so much support and watched my video on the first film 🙌🏼❤ My plan after this (in terms of films between my regular TV show videos) was to cover both Predator and Blade Runner, though please do put below if people want me to cover additional Alien films. I want to cover Romulus when it releases outside of theatres, too.

    I appreciate that this video is a little longer than the first video. Truthfully, there’s simply more parts to this film, in my opinion, that makes it succeed as a sequel and this meant that there was simply more to break down, more to talk about, and with my style this of course means some long ass pauses 😂 I considered cutting down more off the final edit but I figured considering the comments made beneath my Alien video and how I was made aware that so many folks hold this movie in such high esteem, I wanted to give all the time and care to giving my full opinion and breaking down why I think this movie hits so many people the way it does. While the length of this may ultimately impact the performance of the video, I felt it was appropriate to keep it as is. Hope you enjoy!

  2. Alien 3 is a terrible movie. Please do not react to it. The script stinks. Some of the actig was not very good even though there are some good actors in it.
    Sigourney Weaver, Charles Dance was and Pete Postlethwaite did there best with a sciript that should have been trashed.

  3. ACCORDING to ALIEN LORE LV 426 is about 40 LIGHTYEARS away . thats really a "lot". its very very unlikely that mankind WILL EVER travel that far . to the nearest STAR would take 63 THOUSAND years to get there. and that star is only 4 lightyears away .. lol . so either MANKIND INVENTS REAL MAGIC or we are stuck here for good.. Our SOLAR SYSSTEM is all we have and ever WILL have thats it .

  4. Unfortunately, as good as Alien and Aliens were…it's all downhill from there. 3 is *okay*, but the rest of the series is just bad. At least until Romulus, I've heard that one's actually pretty good, but haven't seen it myself.

  5. After watching Newts Tale on YouTube, I learned a lot about what happened before Ripely, and the soldiers arrived to help out. But I do wish Burkes death would have stayed in the movie too. His death in the comic book was perfect justice. But as always, the books have all the details, and the movies leave out.

    this is the link to his Alien Theory's channel.

    He talks about the comic and the backstory of things that movies leave out on. Sorry that links are hard to share with others, I don't know why they disappear so much. Whenever I try to share them with others.

  6. I would say that the Xenomorphs don't lose anything by being susceptible to firearms. In the first movie it was untrained miners and the aliens had the upper hand but, still had a weakness.

    The Marines being a much more powerful force balances things out more.

    I think it's different but, the number and acid becomes more of a guffin than the horror. We know the Aliens now and they had to shift gears. The horror aspect would be missing that was front and center in the first film.

    I think the Aliens using numbers in the standard for them based on gathering the humans into one incubation room so, this would have established that this is how they typically operate vs the first film where it was only one.

    Love your analysis and I will def be looking into your backlog.


  7. I really can't and wont say that I prefer one over the other, for two reasons. Number one, there's no reason to since you can always watch both…there's no reason to pick just one. The second reason is because I really don't see them as two films…but more that it's just one 4 hour film….one story. It starts off with more of a horror element and then shifts into an action filled finale. I really do like 3 and 4 even though most fans are really critical of them. I can easily excuse the weak points of those films because I love the story arc of Ellen Ripley. I did see this one in the theater when it came out as well, and it was such a roller coaster of an experience. My most favorite movie franchise of all time.

  8. @23:28 this isnt a caricature.. this IS what being in the military is like 😆 when you get to play with the "toys" 🤌 that part and the "lets go go go go!" Just to line up and wait to get on board the drop ship.. aka "hurry up and wait".. the most realistic parts of the movie..

  9. Really liked this reaction video. James Cameron movies were known for having strong female characters (like, for real) and the way he expanded the Alien universe and Ripley was fantastic.

    I would not recommend Alien 3. It definitely has more of the 'horror' elements, but it kind of takes a dump on all of what was accomplished for the characters in this movie.

  10. When you watch Alien³, i recommend watchibg the Assembly Cut, it restores the film to what it was originally supposed to be. I personally really love it! It has a lot of deep themes, and has some of my favorite moments in the franchise! It also goes back to horror full force!

  11. There's a lot of talk about 'woke' characters, and some female hero backlash. I think Ellen Ripley & Sarah Connor show it's not about female heroes, but audiences crave well written protagonists – male or female. We have Ripley who is a badass. But she is femine, tough and even motherly. But she is clearly traumatised and has PTSD. But she knows the extreme danger and does the right thing anyways — that's bravery. She faces her fear multiple times, and risks herself to save others. And she's smart. She is saying what the audience is thinking. The powerloader fight, I get chills every time. Such a great movie.

  12. If you care about these characters.and this story, there's no reason to watch further. Just believe me how it ends: Hicks and Ripley get married, adopt Newt as their kid, and adopt Jonesy as the family pet. Uncle Bishop lives with them, but only the top half of him (he now walks around on his hands). After splitting with his bottom half, the legs got a job and found success as a shoe model. The breakup became permanent but they still remain friends. And Vasquez somehow survived …because she is just that badass.

  13. This movie had to have action scenes because it is a continuation of the story. The first was the discovery, the second is the fight, the third… well, you have to make up your own mind.

  14. Just gotta say, I really think the theatrical cut is superior. It was so tight, not a second out of place. This one feels slightly bloated to me. But worse than that, the inclusion of the colony and newt before they arrive (while neat to see after you’ve watched the movie), to me, almost ruins the movie. Keeping the audience in the dark along with Ripley provides so much more intrigue, suspense, and connection to the characters. And meeting newt after the fall of the colony makes her character a lot more interesting.

  15. Out of interest: If you haven't already seen them – how's about watching the original and then the remake of The Day the Earth Stood Still? It would be fascinating to see your take on these two films. One after the other as a kind of marathon reaction.

  16. Not sure why you think they "dismantled" the idea of not being able to defeat the aliens in a fight as was established in the first film. This entire 2nd film shows the marines losing and dying every single time that they stop running and try to faceoff with the aliens. In fact, Ripley only survives her own faceoff with the help of the power suit (and a little luck that the queen didnt stab her first).

  17. Can I just say, you are brilliant! I'm an old writer, (old enough to have watched Alien when I was too young to watch it) – of sci-fi mainly, and it is great hearing your mind as you watch these. It's making me almost cast you as 'the audience'. I'm working on something right now and doing an edit – so it's now a case of 'how do I surprise that youtuber who's gonna be watching this?' If it ever gets prouced, (and that is always the difficulty) look out for something called Blakeseven.

  18. A great movie to be sure, the suspense is superbly done but it still doesn't have the same visceral feel of the original. I'd recommend you stop with the Alien movies now to be honest as the following sequels just go downhill from here. Once you've done Predator (and Predator 2, which again is a decent sequel but not quite as good as the first) and then maybe watch AvP but you shouldn't miss Prey… it's brilliant and haven't seen Romulus yet so I can't comment on that one.

  19. Alien Romulus, the newest film, had a fair chunk of the horror be from just the facehuggers, even before any chestburster appeared. You can use every part of the Xenomorph's life cycle in great ways.

  20. I loved your reaction to Alien. I'm back for Aliens! Just recently found your channel. Love what you do. Since you are a Whedon fan, have you watched Firefly? 1 season of a show followed by a movie called Serenity. If you like Whedon, it's essential in my opinion. Thanks for sharing your reaction! Stay awesome.

  21. If you think about it, it’s Ridley’s fault that alien 3 exists and Bishop was destroyed. Had she left the alien queen alone, she would have just been blown up with the rest of the colony, instead of chasing her.

  22. Every time I watch this movie it always hits me how well the characters are written and portrayed specially all those who survive the hive incursion.

    The one that I feel always gets the short end of how people perceive them is Lieutenant Gorman. Yes he was very inexperienced and its made well aware in the movie, but even during the hive incursion he is being level headed and tries to adapt to the situation when he is informed that explosive rounds would not be a good thing to use in the area the nest was located in. When the Aliens finally reveal themselves and attack the marines he still tries to order them to retreat orderly with the flame units covering but nobody is listening in the confusion and comms getting cut out randomly. This is where people think he fails because he then goes into apathy of not being able to help his soldiers who were not listening/hearing him anyway. Ripley then takes charge and moves the APC to pick them up. Gorman reacts to this totally normally in anger because Ripley is not a soldier and on its own decide to operate a military vehicle. He gives up stopping her after Burke pulls him off of her and most likely knows it the right thing to do to go save the soldiers. Then next time we see him putting out the fire inside the APC next to the door that was caused by Drake accidentally shooting the flamethrower through the door after getting hurt by the acid from shot alien. He then gets knocked out by some containers when they escape with the APC. Later when he wakes up he tries right away apologize to Ripley who tells him to forget it. Rips one of the medbay facehuggers off Ripley's throat with Hicks. Condemns Burke with the rest and guards him during the attack until Burke uses the confusion to run the medbay and lock the door. He goes through the medbay door after Hicks cuts it open second last Vasquez coming last as she was holding the Xeno's off. He follows Hicks in the vents while yelling to Vasquez to move faster. He then tells Hicks to go on while he goes to get Vasquez who gets hurt by acid and can't move. They get surrounded and Gorman pulls out grenade and they blow themselves up before the Xeno's get them.

    For me his actions are totally inline of good leader even if he was inexperienced originally. After the hive incident he does realize that listening to the more experienced Hicks and Ripley is not wrong and shows real leadership after in every scene we see him. He is not afraid to fight and does not let apathy or panic to consume him second time. He could have easily send Hicks to go get Vasquez even ordered him but he tells him to go on and goes himself.

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