
Exposing Big Pharma Lies with Gerald Posner | Real Talk

Pharmaceutical innovations like antibiotics and vaccines are among history’s greatest achievements. Yet, exorbitant drug prices, widespread safety recalls, and prescription opioid addiction have led many to lose faith in drug companies. New York Times bestselling author Gerald Posner speaks with PragerU CEO Marissa Streit about the checkered history of those inside the pharmaceutical industry, corruption inside the FDA, and why American drug companies have put earnings ahead of patients.

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  1. There is a very good treat for skin cancer — the monoclonal antibodies. But you cannot have them unless you have not first already had all the old school cancer treatment (that doesn’t work). This is the command of the FDA.

  2. Bottom line, everyone involved in this group of people have one thing in common. I submit that God's word tells us, in no uncertain terms what it is. Here it is;
    1 Timothy 6:10 KJV "For the LOVE OF MONEY is the root of all evil:which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows."

  3. Never campaign to take the newest, greatest, highly advertised medication. The real clinical trials BEGIN when it hits the general public. 5-10 years later, the lawyers will advertise, Call us if you took _Rx_.

  4. and the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries/pharmaceutical were all nations deceived.

    Revelation 18:23 KJV

  5. I read a liberal thinktank's analysis of big pharma from years ago. It agreed that pharma companies spend too much on ads, but it also agreed that the companies needed U.S. prices to be nonnegotiable so that they could continue to operate, and the thinktank advised direct subsides to the pharma companies.

  6. "Every poet and musician and artist, but for Grace, is drawn away from love of the thing he tells, to love of the telling….become interested in their own personalities and then in nothing but their own reputations." C.S Lewis – applies to most institutions, the church, and now western society itself. Even medicine, justice and education. All love and truth is subsumed by the will to power. (the moral gravity that pulls down whatever is not buoyed up by faith).

  7. At 1:08:00 …. best part of the whole program. Listen and THINK! My family has experienced much of what is being revealed here; the medical profession/ health insurance companies have gotten worst, especially since 2020.
    Forewarned is forearmed.

  8. I was watching my children play many decades ago – – our son was four years old, our youngest daughter three years old.
    Son asks daughter: Are you a girl? Because I am a boy.
    I was sort of amazed by the conversation and asked our son: How do you know you are a boy?
    His response was: Everyone tells me I am.
    That conversation has lived with me almost sixty years. Now I am watching children being told by authority that they may be a boy, but they really are a girl – – and because the authorities are not at all about being proper (whether it is parents or it is the government schools and agencies)… they are not waiting for the children to declare themselves, they are assuming that none of those children know the "truth" about themselves. When our government enabled this mental abuse on children and abrogated the parental responsibility for themselves, I thought – – the revealing adult should start the treatment they are encouraging for a child.
    Otherwise, all they are doing in grooming many children for sexual abuse.
    This is a very dangerous outcome for tolerance for fornication and adultery – – the USA is in a very bad place. We WILL face a higher judge than any human on this planet.

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